March 9, 2025
Class 8 Assignment 2022 1st Week Bangla & Math Answer

Class 8 Assignment 2022 1st Week Bangla & Math Answer

Class 8 Assignment 2022 has again appeared with a new syllabus for the secondary level school in the country. In the 1st week of Class 8 Assignment, the school authority is set to hand over two subjects’ task to their learners. Class 8 novice at now will have to attempt to generate answer for their new assignment 2022. At present, the assignment work of two easy courses – Bangla and mathematics (Gonit) is now in the list of the 1st week. The students who want to get the class 8 assignment 2022 answer can now download from this place of solution.


Assignment Class 8


Class 8 is the most and primal level of formal education level in the present context of Bangladesh. In the countries like USA or Canada, they have no examination for the students until they sit for their Class 8 Examination. Due to covid-19, the government has indicated the authorities associated with the school to accept Class 8 Assignment 2022 following a very concise syllabus.

all class assignment 1st week 2022


Assignment is the alternative to the home work and academic study to the students under Class 8 in the country of insurance. Like the developed countries such USA, Canada, and Australia, the government of our country has also initiated the assignment to evaluate the merit of the learners in 2022. So, for the students in our country who have not any insurance by the government must follow their class assignment. 

Class 8 Assignment 2022

Assignemnt Class 8 2022 has now the urge of every single children who are now trying to cope up with the existing crisis. The prevailing law and guidelines of the academic study at school and college is not coming to any help. The assignment is the left option for the authority who are in charge of the evaluation of students’ contribution in class 8.  


The time has made the directorate of the secondary education to assert the assignment as what they can do for the class 8 leaners now. The only idea that they can generate by following countries from Europe and America subcontinent is having assignment answer from the little students in 2022. Hence, the class eight learners have to face the assignment for their 1st week at present without any scope for leaving.  

Class 8 Assignment 2022 1st Week

The 1st week assignment class 8 2022 has in the beginning work for the students for our nation. The assignment task for all class has started with the 1st week evaluation following other developed country like Singapore and Malaysia. At present, students will have to cope up with the existing educational sector crisis as United Kingdom (UK) has ensured.


Along with other nations, the class 8 assignment 2022 1st week answer is now a key issue for the secondary level education with high-up marks. As there will be a long period for the assignemnt task for the understudies, the most lacking matter is that the fellow children cannot understand all in their textbook. Though at present, the students have their tutors who can help them in understanding any subject or topic.

Class 8 Assignment Answer 2022


In each week the students will have to write answer for at least two assignments in 2022. In line with that direct up, class 8 assignemnt answer 2022 is very liable to understudies who are now in the path to sit for JSC examination. So, class 8 students assignment answer 2022 should also be very enriched with subjective description. Key points needs also to be written down in the assignment syllabus answer without any mistake.


From the beginning we have seen that a lot of requests are being made with our website each day demanding answer to all class assignment in 2022. To response all the questions separately seems us very difficult here. Therefore, our team has concluded with the solution that we will give each subject assignment class 8 answer 2022 here to download for the understudies.

Class 8 Assignment Math

The authority who is developing the academic curriculum for your students has declared the class 8 assignment math 2022. In the week of the 1st , the class 8 students will have to perform the assignment task from their mathematics or math book. The first part in the class eight math book has been in the list for the 1st week assignment at present. The learners will have the key to watch and download the math answer from here.


Class eight math assignment 2022 enlists only a single creative question which has a three parts again. On the syllabus before your question, the class 8 learners have three pictures of different boxes. Class 8 students will have to look the graphs and boxes in the assignment 2022 syllabus of the math. Then, he or she needs to go through the question in the class 8 syllabus for move on.

class 8 assignment 2022 1st week


Class 8 Math Assignment Answer 2022

It is the mission of the class 8 leaners in 2022 to complete the task for the math assignment answer. Math stands for the highest problematic task in the syllabus in 2022. The syllabus of the week for the answer with the math question will be our big concern at present for the learners. Whether you like or not, but the students of the class 8 will have to face up the math assignment answer or solution in 2022 with the possible thought and ideas.


It is also an issue to remind always that the math assignment for class 8 2022 should always be error free. Any single mistake can cost you the total mark for your 1st week assignment without any hesitation. Therefore, be hundred percent correct and right in your class eight mathematics assignment answer or solution in 2022. You can also notice the sample question from below along with the answer for the math assignment in 2022.

class 8 assignment 2022 math solution 1st week


Download Class Eight Math Assignment Full Answer PDF


Class 8 Assignment Bangla

At this moment of hour, the 1st week assignment 2022 is now running at every single school and college across the whole country. One of the duo assignments in the 1st week, Class 8 Assignment Bangla is the major subject to consider. Along with the students’ consideration for the Bangla assignment, our team has also taken it with the utmost importance in 2022. Now, Bangla assignment class 8 will be our top issue in this week assignment in 2022.


Aloof from the mistake, Bangla assignment has to be the most interesting answer for this year. Because, it is the fourth week assignemnt that the teachers check very well. In the following week, they do not give so much importance on the writing of the assingment answer. The reason is that they can get an idea about a class 8 student examining his or her Bangla Assignment Class 8 in 2022.

class 8 bangla assignment 2022 1st week


Bangla Assignment Class 8 Answer 2022

The students of the class 8 in the fourth week will have to write the Bangla Assignment answer in 2022. In the Bangla Assignment Class 8 Answer, the understudies have to write the solution on the topic how you can return a mobile phone you have got. A students of the class eight must follow a particular step one by one while he or she is about to write the Bangla assignment answer from him or her.


Our website team has approached to the expert teachers like the previous year for the assignment answer in 2022. The fixed expert has just provided the Bangla assignment answer to us that anyone can download from this webpage also. The download process of the Class 8 Bangla assignment is also easy to get and understand now.

Click here To Download Class 8 Bangla Answer 2022


Class 8 Assignment Science

The learners has received the science assignment in the 1st week along with that of other subjects. The students of the class eight will have to do their science or biggan bisoyer assignment by this week of hours. Therefore, they will have to check what are the notice relating to this assignment and what will be answer. One must keep in mind while finding out the assignment answer for the class 8, they should be very precise on their subject matter.


Therefore, they need to verify what is for the in the 1st week science assignment by this time of period. From here , every students at present are looking for the right place of the assignment in target of science subject 2022. As to why the relative section is going to be the begging of the answer online. Our teachers may be in tension for furthering the best job done in the year of challenge.

class 8 assignment 4th week 2021 science answer


class 8 science assignment answer 2021 4th week


Download Science Assignment Full Answer PDF


Class 8 Arts Crafts Assignment 1st Week 2022

From here you are subject to fil the form of the class 8 arts crafts assignment 1st week 2022. The basic information of the year for the charu or karu kola has in the list for the same report. As it is off the demand of the now time with the best option, they all new ask for what everyone is about to mark. It is the necessity from which everyone may get the arts and crafts assignment of the year of the relative term.


class 8 assignment 4th week 2021 arts and crafts



Class 8 Arts Crafts 1st Assignment 1st Full Answer PDF



Class 8 Assignment 2022 Agriculture

Being Bangladesh as one of the agricultural countries such as Brazil, Canada, and other developed countries, the education ministry has also added the agriculture course in the class 8 assignment 2022. In our country, a large portion of the total population still depends on the agriculture for their livelihood. Therefore, it very imperative for each of the class 8 students to know about the country’s agriculture in full detail.


To make the students educate in the agricultural sectors, the ministry officials have also included the agriculture assignment in the class 8 1st week selective work. The main aim of the authority is to make the students well acknowledged at the krishi sectors. So, every students in the county at present requires to do their class 8 assignment 2022 from agriculture subject in this 1st week.



Download Class Eight Agriculture Assignment Full Answer PDF


Class 8 Home Economics Assignment Solution

Home economics is the alternative subject in the class 8 assignment syllabus 2022. Every student has a great expectation from their teachers and from the tutors also. Recently the expectation has also altered to online because of website owners such as we. When we were class 8 students in our time, we used to read the book if the teachers asked us to make an assignment on home economics or gahostro orthoniti subject.


At present, the education scenery has altered in a great deal. The students now prefer spending their time which not only precious but also valuable only using their mobile phone or laptop. While our generation try to find out any assignment solution, this present generation of class 8 try to make it from online most. They hardly go for the book for writing their home economics assignment solution in 2022.

class 8 home economics assignment 2021 3rd week


class 8 home economics assignment answer 3rd week

Class 8 Assignment English

The class 8 graders are now watching online for the class 8 assignment english from the inauguration of this week. They know how to find out the assignment online at our website. Every student distinguishes in the country that this proclaimed educational portal makes the english assignment is answer. For the 1st week assignment, English goes for heavy duty in time due to proper work.


It is not false the thought that almost each of the class 8 students fear English and Math subjects. The students have felt that there is no english assignment for them in 2022. But, what to do next is nothing but to notice the assignment question for your class in the 1st week in PDF file. The next move will fix from which chapter you are about get assemble the English assignment answer 2022.


class 8 assignment english 2021 2nd week


Class 8 English Assignment Answer

The life of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is much enriched with the information. This year the education directorate officials have included several lessons in the 1st chapter of the Class 8 English textbook. In the class 8 1st week English assignment 2022, the students will have to write fact file on the life of the Bangabandhu Shiekh Mujibur Rahman as answer.


Assignment Class 8 English Answer 2022 has now handled with mandate of the English substance. Know about the language better for getting the good number of question answer. There is nothing about point but the feature information in the assignment answer will be very relative at present. Class 8 English assignment 2022 thus will need a good answer for the body that is now expecting you to mandate.English Assignment Class 8 2021 Answer


Click Here To Download English Assignment Full Answer PDF


Class 8 Assignment BGS

BGS assignment has into the 1st week assignment in 2022 with the best option for the class 8 learners. The education ministry statements clearly assert that the BGS is in this week assignment syllabus. Therefore, Bangladesh and Global Studies assignment thus has arisen as the work for the class eight pupils. For the class 8 assignment answer, your group discussion can be fruitful in 2022.


To write answer of the question for BGS assignment 2022, class VIII students need not have patience or little patience. If you face too many questions and problems while answering your class 1st assignment, you may take help from this website. The next day is when the class eight understudies will go to the teachers with the assignment answers.



Download Class 8 BGS Full Answer 2022


class 8 bgs assignment answer 2021 (2)

Class 8 Assignment Islam

Class 8 Islam subject has also been one of the emerging demand to the bd high school students. The most regretful information is that some of the students who are now going to sit for the JSC Exam 2022, do not able to write the spelling assignment correctly. Rather they write assinment or assin ment or something worse than it. So, we have brought for them error free class 8 assignment answer 2022 Islam with subtle explanation.


Those who want to get the religion assignment answer  for the Islam course can download it from below link. They can also wait for the other week assignment tasks from our website also in the meantime. Because, two or three days later your 1st week assignment will come to the light. Therefore, it is your time to hit for the answer here with the hope to get in the next days.

class 8 assignment islam answer


Click here To Download Class 8 Islam Assignment Answer


class 8 islam assignment answer 2021

More To Read: 

Class 8 Math Assignment 1st Week Answer & Solution 

Class 8 English Assignment Answer 1st Week 

Class Eight Assignment Science Answer 2022