February 18, 2025
Class 6 Assignment 1st Week 2022 Answer Bangla, Math

Class 6 Assignment 1st Week 2022 Answer Bangla, Math

Class 6 Assignment 1st Week answer of all subjects including Bangla, English, Science, Math, ICT, Bangladesh and Global Studies, Islam, Hindu, Buddhism, Christianity, Agricultural Education, Physical Education and Health, and Domestic science in 2022. Our students will find their class 6 full assignment syllabus and answer from this website. The work for 6th week assignment of class seven is still running at school. Therefore, they can submit it by this week in February 2022. Now, download your class 6 assignment answer for all subject in PDF.


Class 6 Assignment

Along with other classes, the assignment syllabus of the class 6 students has also been published by the respective authority. The education ministry has assigned the directorate of secondary and higher education for making the assignment course plan. Following the direction, the secondary education board has come up with the class six assignment syllabus for the little students. Along with the authority, we have also published the class 6 assignments syllabus separately here.


Class 6 Assignment 1st Week syllabus is available for download on our website now. Check the below PDF file of the Class six assignment to get what are the assigned tasks selected from your class textbook. If you could not find what the assignment is, then our team is going to tell you the answer. So, be ready and go for action with the deadline for making your class 6 assignment answer in 2022.

all class assignment 1st week 2022


Class Six 1st Week Assignment Download  


Class 6 Assignment Answer

Are you searching for the 1st Week assignment answer for the students of class 6? You have made the search term from our website and has got the answer in image and picture file. Therefore, you answer for the class assignment is the top priority for the learners of school. When it is of class 6 students, then we have to say that they are working very hard to get the solution to make ready. Now, our team has uploaded the answer for the class 6 6th assignments question.


At present, the class 6 students are performing their assigned task sitting at their home. They had not go to the school due to the closure of the educational institutes. The sixth grader has to go with their assignment in a moment when they are not to study in a regular basis. However, our team has made the assignment task possible for providing answer for the 6th grader including bangla, english, math, science and other course.

Class 6 Assignment Bangla Answer

Bangla is the 1st Week assignment task for the class 6 students at present. In the bangla part of the class sixth grader, they have to answer from three chapters of their NCTB textbook. They have to write an essay (rochona) on sototar puroskar from their Bangla book. The topic of minu and nil noder desh assignment answer for our beloved students is providable here. Hence, the students should collect their assignment materials from here.


The basic subject for each of the class 6 students is the following with many directives. The sixth graders have to answer at least ten questions in their Bangla first paper assignment. That is why we would like to ask the students to class 6 to collect the answer with most closeable solution for their particular subject.

class 6 bangla 1st week assignment 2022

Click Here For Bangla Full Answer



class 6 bangla 1st week assignment answer

Class 6 Math Assignment Solution 1st Week

Here is your class six math assignment solution along with its answer for our students. The more detailed information about the class 6 math will be here in no time. We ask our student to be patients and wait for the assignment. The Class 6 Assignment 1st Week math er solution or uttor may be very reliable in term of your mathematics textbook. For the 6th phase of the dshe assignment, you have to perform the answer of the math question from your book.


Our many young students of class 6 has repeatedly requested us so that we give the math assignment solution in PDF file. In terms with their urge, we have collected the answer from our experts. So, you can easily access the class 6 math assignment solution along with other subject answers. Though answer and solution are synonym, we prefer using solutions as it is the most known word to the class 6 understudies. Also feel free to find this in the content: write an essay on math solution.

class 6 math assignment 2021 1st week question


class 6 math 1st week assignment answer 2022


Click Here For Class 6 Math Full Solution


Class 6 Assignment English

The most formidable assigned task for the class 6 students is completing their English assignment answer. Their english assignment includes the chapter entitled Lesson 1: Going to a new school, Lesson 2: Congratulations!, Well done! Lesson 3: A railway station Lesson 4: Where are you from? You have to complete the lesson Lesson 1 HW: A1, B4 (from textbook) Lesson 2 HW: B2, B3(from textbook) Lesson 3 HW: A4 (from your textbook).


Teacher will check whether the students use appropriate word to fill in the gaps, their ideas to organize a paragraph, skill of relating to real life, use of language in given situation or dialogue, spelling, use of correct grammar in the sentences in your English assignment. Therefore, collect your answer for your English assignment of any class from our formidable website in 2022.

Class 6 English full answer [adToAppearHere]

Class 6 English Grammar and Composition 2nd Answer [adToAppearHere]

ICT Assignment Class 6

In the 1st Week the assignment for the information communication and technology (ICT) has been uploaded to this website. Our ultimate guides will surely find a way for the class 6 ICT assignment answer along with solution for the most relative topic. Our today is topic is going to tell you how to get your preferable assignment for the following subject.


You may also find the following subject assignment very interested in getting your answer. That is why we urge you to like and comment on our post so that our team get inspiration for providing more answer and question of the class 6. Therefore, bookmark our website to your browser to get the latest update about the syllabus and assignment of class VI in Bangladesh. 

Class Six Assignment Science

The latest inclusion for the class six students is the assignment answer for the science (biggan) uttor. In your science chapter of class 6, you have a total of five questions from your 1st and 2nd chapters.

Click Here For Full Answer PDF


Also TO Read: Class 6 English Assignment Answer & Solution