February 18, 2025
Bangla Assignment 2021 Class 8 9 7 6 Answer & Syllabus

Bangla Assignment 2021 Class 8 9 7 6 Answer & Syllabus

Bangla Assignment 2021 Syllabus along with Answer for Class 9 8 7 6 student under secondary or high school in Bangladesh. In the first week, the directorate of secondary and higher education has directed the students and teacher to complete assignment of Bangla, English, and other subjects. So, a student must have to complete the assignment for all subject within the particular week. Following that direction our expert has come up with Bangla assignment syllabus and answer here for class 9 8 7 6 students.


Bangla Assignment

In the beginning week, 20 March 2021, the officials at the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education has pledged the students to complete their Bangla first assignment. In the Bangla class assignment, they have given some particular topics to read. The students will have to read the whole topic and need to write assignment in Bangla. The assignment are different for class 9 8 7 and 6 students as per the www.dshe.gov.bd 2021 syllabus.


So, this post will make contribute in completing assignment of the students. Our www.allnewjobcircular.com team has first collected all the assignment syllabus. Then, they have tried to make assignment for each of the class. So, you can easily think how we are friendly toward you. Our student brothers and sisters can rely on us independently and completely. We always try to provide the most helpful education materials and documents answer for you. 

Bangla Assignment Syllabus

You can check the Bangla assignment syllabus for all classes including class 8 9 7 and 6. The syllabus includes first four chapters of NCTB Bangla Textbook. In the syllabus of the particular class, the students will also notice a selective task or assignment. All the task will be there in terms of question. Our children have to answer all the assigned tasks or assignment just in a week. As the syllabus of class 9 is different from that of other class, we encourage each of the students to select their own syllabus below.


Here is the full syllabus link that includes the syllabus of class 6, 7, 8, and 9 for all subject including Bangla, English, Chemistry, Mathletics. So, first go for the syllabus here so that you can learn what you need to read in this week. The following chapter will need to read in the second week of bangla assignment for all class. You must add a assignment cover page before submitting it to your teacher. 

Bangla Assignment Answer

Along with the assignment, our team has also given answer to those questions shown in the syllabus. Therefore, you can also get the assignment link for downloading your class from our this post. The answer will include the question name and their solution as collected from the original textbook. The students will be able to make answer of the question given as assignment after reading their books. However, they can also check the assignment answer from here.


Our team has provided the answer for Bangla subject on the base of the question. Making Bangla assignment for class nine, eight, six and seven with the line of the dshe direction is a very easy task. You can perform it at your home using your knowledge on the matter. For that, you have to read the whole text of the selective chapter very carefully. Below the list of the bangla answer is available for read and download. Get your class www.dshe.gov.bd 2021 assignment with answer.

Class 9 Bangla Assignment

Class 9 Bangla assignment includes the chapter namely Kapotakkho Nod (Kapotaksha River). Kapotakkho Nod (কপোতাক্ষ নদ), is very well known and famous poem of the renowned writer and poet Michael Madhusudan Dutt, or Michael Madhusudan Dutta ( Maikel Modhushudon Dotto). In the first Bangla assignment, you have to write ten qualities of a patriot following the direction of the poem. দেশপ্রেমিক নাগরিকের দশটি  (১০) গুণ বাক্যে প্রকাশ করতে হবে। যেখানে দেশপ্রেমের বিষয়টি উল্লেখ করতে হবে is your assignment.


Therefore, you have to write up at least ten qualities of a patriot citizen in sentence. In those sentence you have to mention the matter of love for the country properly. Also the spelling and sentence formation should be well defined. Here we give given the answer for দেশপ্রেমিক নাগরিকের দশটি  (১০) গুণ. Download your Class 9 Bangla assignment answer along with solution in PDF file. If you cannot make it download, then leave a comment about your problem below.

class 9 bangla assignment 2021 class 7 bangla assignment 2021 class 6 bangla assignment answer class 8 bangla assignment 2021

Class 9 Bangla Assignment PDF


Bangla Assignment Class 8 Answer

For the class 8 students, the directorate of secondary and higher education has given assignment from Bangla book. The class eight first week assignment work is from the chapter namely Otithir Sriti অতিথির স্মৃতি. Otithir Sriti is short write up of the prominent writer Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay (শরৎচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়). You have to write answer of the sikkha sofor rochona in Bangla by your own hand on মনে কর তুমি শিক্ষা সফরে কোন বিশেষ স্থানে ভ্রমণ করতে গিয়েছো…


The title should be শিক্ষা সফরের অভিজ্ঞতা রচনা or শিক্ষা সফর অনুচ্ছেদ লিখন. So, you can get your answer for Bangla Assignment for the class 8 student here. We have given the answer for the sikkha sofor rochona so that you can get an idea about the assignment. Therefore, download our answer note from this post and make your assignment enriched. Of course you must write a correct sentence while you are writing your answer for school. Because, the wrong sentence and wrong spelling would cut your mark to lower.

Class 7 Bangla Assignment

Bangla assignment for class 7 (seven) is taken from Bangla textbook name Soptoborna. In that level, students have been asked to give answer for their assignment in creative way. You have to answer for the assignment question from the chapter Kabuliwala golpo. The question that you need to answer are কাবুলিওয়ালা গল্পের সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন উত্তর, কাবুলিওয়ালা গল্পের মূলভাব, কাবুলিওয়ালা গল্পের ব্যাখ্যা, উদ্দীপকে আহনাফের মায়ের সাথে কাবুলিওয়ালা. The answer is available on your Bangla class 7 book.


If you find it hard searching your own class 7 Bangla assignment, then you can contact our answer team. They would give solution to your answer totally free. So, let us give some time so that we can give your class 7 assignment answer in 2021. But before that, use your brain to write the solution in your way. That will help you in a very much way than copying other.  

Bangla Assignment Class 6 PDF

The Bangla assignment for the class six student is also available in PDF format. They have to answer for the question সততার পুরস্কার গল্পের সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন ,সততার পুরস্কার গল্পের তৃতীয় ব্যক্তির মানসিকতার সংক্ষিপ্ত পরিচয় দাও, সততার পুরস্কার গল্পের শিক্ষণীয় দিক, সততার পুরস্কার ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণি. You can answer for all the questions in your Bangla Textbook.




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