English Grammar and Composition for Class 8 2nd Paper Assignment has been published. The directorate of secondary and higher education has published the 4th week assignment for class 8 students. In the fourth week assignment, they have added this time English 2nd (second) paper Grammer and composition part. You have to write down your class 8 English 2nd paper grammar and composition answer following the questions and directions in your syllabus.
Class 8 English 2nd Paper Assignment
After the assignment of first, second, and third week, this time, the directorate of secondary education has unfolded its assingment for the class eight students. The 4th week class 8 english assignment includes the grammar and composition part or 2nd paper. Now, you have to answer from the grammar part of the syllabus. That is why you need to be more serious for writing your english assignment. At first, we would like them to collect the syllabus of the fourth week.
At the middle of November 2020, you have to do two works. One is from your English for today textbook of class 8 while another assigned task is for your experience on a visit a place last year. You mostly will have to get the answer for the grammar and composition 2nd paper assignment of the class eight learners. So, get you answer for your english 2nd paper answer for the class 8 students.
English Grammar and Composition Class 8 Assignment Syllabus
First, you should know what is on the first assignment task from your english grammar and composition class 8 textbook. You have to write answer for two things from your english 2nd part section. One is you have to change the sentences from your textbook. The page no and other information has been citied for you. You can easily get the syllabus from our website also. We have managed the syllabus of the english grammar 2nd paper here.
English grammar section has been reported to be very hard for our class students. They have to be strict with the grammar rules while writing answer for the 2nd paper answer. That is why, they need to download the syllabus as soon as the students will finish the 3rd week assignment. Now, get the most important part from your class 8 grammar part syllabus and assignment here.
Class 8 English Grammar and Composition Assignment Answer
Here is you answer for the class 8 english grammar and composition or 2nd paper solution. The first task in the 4th week english assignment for class 8 is changing sentences from unit 7. Changing assertive sentences into interrogative from the page no. 143 of your english grammar 2nd paper textbook you have to do. Here we have given the sentences you have to change into interrogative from your books. So, watch and download the answer and solution of the sentences here.
Exercise: Change the following assertive sentences into interrogative.
Ans: [adToAppearHere]
1. It was a great sight.
2. No one can tolerate this.
4. Nobody salutes the setting sun.
5. Gulliver could hear his watch ticking in his pocket.
6. It is useless to cry over spilt milk.
8. The beauty of nature is beyond description.
9. Everybody has heard of Darwin.
10. He has his dinner at seven every evening.
11. I told him to practise regularly.
12. Virtue has its own reward.
Click Here For Answer
Paragraph (Descriptive) : Suppose you visited a place last year.
You have to write a paragraph on the a place you visited last year following the questions given the questions for you class 8 english grammar and composition 2nd paper assignment.
Describe that place answering the following questions:
1) Where did you visit?
2) Why did you go there?
3) How did you go there?
4) Who accompanied you?
5) Did you like the place? Why/Why not?
Click here to download Full Paragraph
Visiting is always enjoyable to me. Each year we visit a new place that is renowned in the country. Last year I along with my family members went to visit Mahasthangarh, located in Shibganj upazila of Bogra District. We chose Mahasthangarh because it is one of the oldest cities in Bangladesh as well as historical one. It is also one of the earliest urban archaeological sites in the country. The Shibganj upazila is around 142 kilometers away from our house at Rajshahi city, and therefore we rented a micro-car for my family members including my father, mother, and grandfather for travelling to Mahasthangarh. We started our journey at 08:00am in the morning and reached at Mahasthangarh at 11:00am. We visited Bairagir Bitha, Khodarapathar Bitha, Parsuramer Prasad, Mankalir Dip, Govinda Bitha, Totaram Panditer Dhap, Gokul Medh, Lakshindarer Medh, and Mahastangarh Museum. I like the place very much because it is very enriched with the sculptures of ancient period. I came to learn a lot of things on that visit. We also exhibited the Museum and Mosla Research Center. I like the visit very much. I will never forget the day as it was the best visit in my life.
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