March 9, 2025
SSC Scholarship 2021 Result PDF All Education Board

SSC Scholarship 2021 Result PDF All Education Board

You may find this post in a better way of worthy for having a search for Higher Secondary Certificate Scholarship, briefly known as SSC Scholarship Result online. In this post of today, we are here to hold a discussion on how you can easily watch your SSC Scholarship Result 2021. I will suggest, if you are a first-year student at the intermediate level at any government or private college, you must read this post in a vigilant way to know how you can watch your SSC Scholarship Result online in a very easy way.


SSC Scholarship 2021


As you know and surely know, the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination of 2021 held in the last February month of this year. A huge number of SSC students successfully took part in the about month-long SSC examination 2021. This year a total of 21,35,333 (twenty lakh thirty-five thousand three hundred thirty-three) students sat for attending SSC Examination under all nine education boards in Bangladesh.

The month-long SSC Examination concluded at the beginning of March in the same fiscal year. Since already more than ten months have already been passed, it is about to come to an end to the economical year of 2021. The Bangladesh intermediate and higher secondary education board are about to declare the SSC Scholarship Result this year on 16 February 2021. The SSC Scholarship Result 2021 will be published on 16 February this year. We are giving surety of the date as a consequence of the earlier year’s experience.


JSC Result 2021 All Board

SSC Scholarship Result 2021

Higher Secondary certificate scholarship is a very prestigious issue for a class ten student who has succeeded in his SSC Examination a few months ago. Getting the SSC Scholarship is not only related to prestigious but also it is a matter of enjoyment. You surely know that a student who gets the prestigious SSC Scholarship he gets fix money for the next two years.

The money one gets from SSC Scholarship can contribute a lot in any way to continue his further academic life. The money provided as a token of the scholarship is nothing but a sum of money that the SSC student can expend in the way he feels pleasure. By the provided money he can buy anything needed for him either books or the related thing. The SSC Scholarship brings honor and value for a student in his or her school as well as locality.


SSC Britti Result 2021 Date 

Last year the Secondary and Intermediate Education Board of Bangladesh published the SSC britti Result 2021 in the last week of December. So, the possible date of declaring the Higher Secondary certificate scholarship result 2021 on 16 February this year. Do be in touch with us to know when the SSC Scholarship Result 2021 and how you will get it. You can also get the idea of where you are going to get ssc britti result this year for all education boards.


I believe you will not disagree with me over the date of the SSC scholarship result date 2021. Unlike the SSC result, the scholarship result does not follow the same process of publishing. The different education boards publish their SSC scholarship results in different periods of time in the year. Basically, they do not publish the SSC scholarship result at a time, but at various times. Some of the board publish their SSC results after a few months of the examination. On the other hand, some of them take a long time to publish the SSC scholarship result.

Watch PSC Result 2021 All Board

Dakhil Scholarship Result 2021 PDF

You know that all education board publishes SSC scholarship result 2021 in PDF format. Especially, PDF or portable document file is a very flexible file both for publishing and printing documents. In the PDF file, the education board authorities include the name and the roll. One can find his or her SSC scholarship result only by his exam roll. One might also look for his name in the published pdf file of the SSC scholarship. 


There leaves no confusion on the issue that SSC scholarship result 2021 will be in PDF file. We have also always uploaded the SSC scholarship result in PDF file. Because, if we publish the image file it is almost impossible for all to read. So download the pdf file of the SSC scholarship result to get whether you get the SSC scholarship result for this year. 

SSC Scholarship Result 2021 All Board

Primarily, each of the nine education boards in Bangladesh is responsible for publishing the SSC Scholarship result for the year of 2021. There is no scope that any education board can skip the task. They must have to publish the SSC scholarship result every year. Because it is the education board that provides the money for giving scholarships to the meritorious students. So, all board must publish the scholarship result in a possible good time.

Letter Grade Range of Marks Grade Point
A+ 80-100 5.00
A 70-79 4.00
A- 60-69 3.50
B 50-59 3.00
C 40-49 2.00
D 33-39 1.00
F 00-32 0.00

This year all the nine education boards will also publish the SSC scholarship result at different times. Some of the education boards have already published their SSC scholarship results in 2021. They have published a list of names with schools of the student who has got the scholarship. It is beyond question that getting a scholarship is not a very easy task. One must have to cut a good figure in the examination to get a scholarship in any examination.


SSC Scholarship Result 2021 Dhaka Board

As we have stated earlier each of the nine boards is responsible to publish the SSC scholarship for its respective region. None but the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dhaka is nothing but bound to announce the Dhaka Board SSC Scholarship result 2021. This year a total of 548220 (five lakh forty-eight thousand two hundred and twenty) students have sat for the SSC Examination 2021 under Dhaka Education Board. Of that total number of students 266881 (two lakh sixty-six thousand students were male.

[History] Passed vs Not Passed (Among Appeared) (% of GPA 5 among passed)
  Year Appeared Passed Not Passed % of Pass GPA 5 % of GPA 5
1 2021 548,220 436,620 111,600 79.64 29,924 6.85
2 2021 530,422 432,201 98,221 81.48 41,585 9.62
3 2017 449,729 388,744 60,985 86.44 49,745 12.8
4 2016 410,810 364,458 46,352 88.72 41,030 11.26
5 2015 349,742 310,177 39,565 88.69 36,911 11.9

The number of female students who took part in the SSC examination is 281339 (two lakh eighty-one thousand three hundred and thirty-nine. Among the total students, 208257 male and 228363 female students passed, i.e. secured minimum GP 1.0 in every compulsory and elective subject. The ratio of Pass is 79.64 (seventy-nine point sixty-four). A total of 29924 (13803 male and 16121 female) students got a GPA of 5.00 in this year. Check the below PDF file to watch your Dhaka Board SSC Scholarship Result 2021. 

dhaka board ssc scholarship result 2021 notice


Download Dhaka Board Scholarship Result PDF


SSC Scholarship Result 2021 Rajshahi Board

Securing a place for scholarship merit list is not the easy thing you are thinking of. Rajshahi education board of intermediate and secondary is about to publish the SSC scholarship result for this year. They will declare the result within a very short period of time. You have to collect the Rajshahi education board SSC scholarship result from this place. You can check the SSC scholarship result from this surrounding. It is the only reliable place where you will get your Rajshahi board SSC scholarship result.

We have given a chart where you can the list of students who took part in the previous year SSC Examination under the Rajshahi Education Board.

[History] Passed vs Not Passed (Among Appeared) (% of GPA 5 among passed)
  Year Appeared Passed Not Passed % of Pass GPA 5 % of GPA 5
1 2021 203,914 186,902 17,012 91.66 22,908 12.26
2 2021 193,955 166,865 27,090 86.03 19,498 11.68
3 2017 167,050 151,470 15,580 90.67 17,413 11.5
4 2016 152,268 145,666 6,602 95.66 17,645 12.11
5 2015 127,891 121,345 6,546 94.88 16,010 13.19

Open the link to watch your SSC Scholarship Result. Once the Rajshahi education board has come out the SSC Scholarship result this year. We will publish the PDF file of the recent Rajshahi education board scholarship result here. Click here on the below link to watch your Rajshahi Education Board Scholarship Result 2021.

rajshahi hsc scholarship


Rajshahi Board SSC Scholarship Result 2021 PDF Full


SSC Scholarship Result 2021 Comilla Board

Being an autonomous institution, Comilla Intermediate and Secondary Education Board serves as the regulatory authority of the secondary and secondary level educational institutions in the Comilla district of Bangladesh. Mainly, it maintains supervision over the students all over the Comilla district. If you are a student who has passed your SSC examination this year from the Comilla Education Board, then you are at the place that is absolutely right.

  Year Appeared Passed Not Passed % of Pass GPA 5 % of GPA 5
1 2021 193,305 168,569 24,736 87.2 8,827 5.24
2 2021 182,720 146,897 35,823 80.39 6,865 4.67
3 2017 183,042 108,155 74,887 59.09 4,494 4.16
4 2016 160,535 134,971 25,564 84.08 6,984 5.17
5 2015 145,779 122,803 22,976 84.24 10,241 8.34

At the right time and in the right place you have reached last. In the last stage of your searching, you can enjoy the feeling of getting your Comilla Board SSC Scholarship Result here. Generally, only the meritorious and talented students get the SSC scholarship. They have secured the highest number in the SSC examination and now deserved their acknowledgments. Either I or the Comilla Education Board cannot deny your talent even though they want so. So get your Comilla Board SSC Scholarship Result 2021 from the below link.


Comilla Board SSC Scholarship Result 2021 PDF


SSC Scholarship Result 2021 Jessore Board

In spite of the fact that the vehicle of guidance is Bangla in all schools and universities, with the exception of some college Jashore offers training in the English form of NCTB schedule to the understudies. The digitalization brings all about changes in the process of publishing the Jessore Education Board SSC Scholarship Result. Online processes of publishing SSC scholarship result of the Jessore board open assessment in 2011. Here see the analytic of the previous year of SSC Result of the selected board.

  Year Appeared Passed Not Passed % of Pass GPA 5 % of GPA 5
1 2021 182,426 165,889 16,537 90.93 9,987 6.02
2 2021 183,589 140,699 42,890 76.64 9,395 6.68
3 2017 154,730 123,099 31,631 79.56 6,484 5.27
4 2016 148,165 136,135 12,030 91.88 9,496 6.98
5 2015 128,183 107,902 20,281 84.18 7,198 6.67

Though you are one of them who are most talented, you can only sure of it by getting your SSC scholarship result from here. Being know the fact, you have come here to find out your name in the SSC scholarship result list for further search. You do not any further search in order to find out your name on the scholarship list. Open the PDF file attached here to check your name very soon.


Jessore Board SSC Scholarship Result 2021 PDF
