March 7, 2025

Khichuri Recipe Assignment in English For School – How to Make / Cook khichdi

Kichuri Recipe Assignment in English For Class 6 7 8 9 students at High School in Bangladesh. If you are a student of JSC, then you are for how to make or cook Khichuri. The secondary and higher education authority has asked the students to submit their assignment to their school teachers and online on time. For class eight students, they need to write an assignment from their delicious dish unit. The dshe authority has included the Khichuri recipe in the assignment syllabus. [adToAppearHere]

Khichuri Recipe Assignment

As per the direction of the dshe, the students cannot help submitting assignment. At present assignment is very important for a student as it will define the marks one is about to get to get upgraded in the next class. Therefore, you need to follow the direction at 2020 syllabus. You must pay attention to the assignment syllabus and do what they ask for. Now, you can choose Khichuri recipe assignment from the trio option for delicious food.


In this post, we will talk about the ingredients you need to cook Khichuri. We will also describe how to make Khichuri in the most easiest way. Therefor, you can read this post and get your Khichuri recipe assignment here with exact sample. Actually, Khichuri is very familiar delicious and healthy food in Bangladesh. There is hardly any Bengali person who does not like eating Khichuri.

Khichuri Recipe Ingredients

We cook and eat khichuri only when it feels good. And khichuri is also a food that you don’t have to worry about cooking. We do not need any special training to learn this dish of rice. Khichuri can also be cooked with the lowest priced rice in the market. Let’s find out how to cook instant khichuri. Following are the things that you need to make or cook Khichuri as recipe for your assignment.


  1. Basmati Rice – 200 gram
  2. Moog / Masoor / Anker Dal – 200 gram
  3. Cumin Powder – 2 tea spoon
  4. Red Chili Powder – 1 tea spoon
  5. Powder – 1 tea spoon
  6. Ginger Paste – 1/2 tea
  7. Cummins (ingegrate0 – 1 tea
  8. Green Chili (Chopped) – 4/5 pieces
  9. Garam Masala Powder – 1/ 1/2 tea
  10. Potato (Chopped) – 3 large size
  11. Tomato (chopped) – 2 medium size
  12. Cauliflower (chopped) – 1/2
  13. Peas – 100 gram
  14. Brinjal (chopped) – 1 large size
  15. Carrot (Chopped – 2 medium size
  16. Oil – 150 ml
  17. Sugar – 1 tea spoon
  18. Salt – to taste

How to Cook Khichuri

Pour oil to the pan. And warm it for at least two minutes. Wash dal properly and then add it to the pan. Fry the dal for at least three minutes. Then remove them from the pan. Wash rice properly, pour it again oil to the pan, add rice, stir gently for at least five minutes. Then remove from the pan. Last Time pour oil to the pan, ad cumin’s (integrated) to the oils and warm it for two minutes.


Then add chopped potatoes, tomatoes, peas, brinjal, cauliflowers and carrots. Next add cumin powder, red chili powder, turmeric powder, ginger paste, chopped green chilies and chopped onions. And mix well. Then, fry the mixture for at least three minutes. Now, add rice and dal to the mixture. Fry the mixture, stir it gently frequently for another two minutes. Pour water (250ml) to the mixture. Add salt and garam masala powder. Put a cover and cook for at least 20/25 minutes (until rice and dal cooked properly).

khichuri recipe assignment


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Khichuri Recipe Assignment Download 


The favorite delicious Bengali hotchpotch is now ready. serve it hot with omelets. Reason why it is good for health. Khichuri has a lot of vegetables which is good for health. So, I like to eat Khichuri. Khichuri has some ingredients which is full of vitamins and proteins. So, I think it is very good for our health.

Khichuri Recipe Assignment PDF


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