EXIM Bank Result 2023 – MTO & TAO Exam

exim bank result

The Exim Bank authority has published its Management Trainee Officer (MTO) and Trainee Assistant Officer (Cash) (ATO)Result 2023. In reference to the recruitment test held in August, 2023, they have published a list of the selected candidates for the post of the Exim Bank Management Trainee Officer. Postponement of interview schedule for the position of Trainee Assistant Officer (Cash). This is to inform you that due to unavoidable circumstances, the interview that was scheduled to be held from 23 March 2023 to 01 April 2023 for the position of Trainee Assistant Officer (Cash) is hereby postponed. The new schedule will be published later on.

The selected candidate viva or interview schedule of the Exam Bank as also been published. The EXIM Bank Assistant Trainee Officer (Cash), and Trainee Officer Exam Result 2023 will be available here in no time. However, check the below options to know every option in detail to find out about the latest information about EXIM Bank Exam Result 2023.

EXIM Bank Exam Result 2023 PDF

The respective authority of the EXIM Bank Limited in Bangladesh has made the job circular published in November 2023. As per the latest Exim Bank new job circular 2023, the last date for the online application was 30 November 2023. The admit card for the recruitment test for the EXIM Bank Managing Trainee Officer (MTO) post took place on the date the authority gave for the students. The examination for the EXIM Bank Trainee Officer (TO) officer post was on the same as the scheduled day like other routines.

However, more people took part in the exam this year for the EXIM Bank Assistant Trainee Officer (Cash) post. However, already more than three weeks have been elapsed since the Exim bank recruitment test held on 10 January 2023. Everyone is after the Exim bank exam result 2023 and they will be the same for the next few days. If you are a candidate who has taken part in the EXIM Bank Exam for the recruitment, then I would like to ask you to visit this website www.allnewjobcircular.com for the latest information on any bank job circular.

EXIM Bank Managing Trainee Officer (MTO) Result 2023

The post of Managing Trainee Officer, MTO, is a very good job. In this category, the EXIM Bank gives 65,900 Tk as a monthly salary. If you consider the money, the Bank sector is the best option for your career in Bangladesh. For the outstanding salary and other opportunities, most of our young educated youth are entering into the banking sector in a very remarkable way. There is no option to make any doubt that it is a first-class job for a student. Getting a monthly salary of 65900 can be your hope and meet your demand.

To get the job a candidate needs to cross three steps. At first, he or she has to be selected in the Exim Bank Managing Trainee Officer (MTO) Exam Result. After he successfully gets him selected for the next step, the job seeker needs to sit for the Exim bank written examination. If the candidate meets the pass marks in the written exam, he will be set to meet the viva voce. Viva voce is the last step for getting the job at Exim Bank Bangladesh Limited.

EXIM Bank MTO Result PDF

EXIM Bank Trainee Officer (TO) Exam Result

The second job vacancy made by the Exam bank authority was that of Trainee Officer. After a year’s service, the Exim bank trainee officer will get a promotion as the officer. Then he will get the salary of an officer that is of 44,700 Tk. So, it is also not a bad job in the present context. If you can secure a post at the EXIM Bank Lt., you will also get other facilities that are beyond description. The bank sector has a two-day vacation in a week. You have to go to the bank only five days a week.

So, you need to get the job first. For so, you are set to know the Exim bank  Trainee Officer results by any means. But, when the result will be available it can be your asking at present. I will tell you that none is sure of the result for the Exim Bank examination still now. But, as far as my knowledge goes it will be published first in the daily newspaper. In the newspaper, the Exim bank authority will make the exam Result published in 2023.

EXIM Bank TO Result PDF

EXIM Bank Assistant Trainee Officer (Cash) Result

You know that the result of the Exim Bank MCQ and Written Recruitment Test first comes in the newspaper. But, checking every day’s newspapers is a very terrible task for oneself. As there has been a large number of national dailies in the country, you cannot search the Exim Bank result in each of the daily. But, you can check it from here, as we have a team that will check every national daily. Then, we will post it on our website. So, there is noting of worries.

Just follow our website to get all the latest information relating to the Exim Bank Assistant Trainee Officer (Cash) Result 2023. You are aware that Export-Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited is a Shariah-based Islami Bank. All the recruitment processes are made by their only website. It has a website for career for job seekers. So, you need your User Id and Password to know your latest statues relating to your result and other things.

Exim Bank Result 2023 Update

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The core authority of the Exim Bank Limited earlier has completed the test for the assistant trainee officer cash exam result. You know that the exam for the managing trainee officer, trainee officer, and assistant trainee officer completed on 10 January the Exim Bank authority. Now, everyone is counting their days for watching whether the EXIM Bank Result 2023 for MTO/TO/ATO posts have been published.

About allnewjob 880 Articles
The owner of this website is a journalist working as a Staff Correspondent in Rajshahi, a northern district in Bangladesh, at English-language daily New Age. He is an ex-student of Rajshahi University, the second ranked public university in Bangladesh.

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