March 6, 2025
Assignment Syllabus Class 9 8 7 6 1st Week Syllabus 2021 –

Assignment Syllabus Class 9 8 7 6 1st Week Syllabus 2021 –

Assignment Syllabus Class 9, 8, 7, 6 NCTB 1st Week Syllabus 2021. Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education authority has set a assignment syllabus for the students under class 9, 8, 7, and 6 in 2021. The assignment programme for the students of the higher secondary school has already begun on November 01. This blog post will help our students to get every single piece of information about 1st week assignment, its syllabus, submission processes, etc. So, download your 1st week assignment syllabus from assignment website.


Assignment Syllabus NCTB

At present, our students are very much worried about the assignment and syllabus following the education board authority’s declaration. The declaration that the evaluation of the students will take place as per the marks given in assignment. As our students are not aware of the assignment task, they are in a great problem. Even, some of them do not what an assignment is. They are searching for what is the meaning of assignment.

class assignment 2021

class assignment 2021 


To them, our post of today is. We will ask our beloved students not be worry about the 1st week assignment syllabus of any class including 9, 8, 7, 6. You can treat the assignment as your home work. Yes. You are very familiar with the term homework. The class teacher will give you an assignment in a particular subject and chapter. You have to read the whole chapter of that NCTB Syllabus book and write down an answer of the topic your class teachers will ask you. 2021 assignment

Our students need to know that from where they should collect their 1st week assignment syllabus. At first step, you can get the main copy of the class 9, 8, 7, and 6 syllabus from our website In a very easy word, it is the directorate of secondary education, known as DSHE, publishes the syllabus for the high school level students. Therefore, you can download the syllabus visiting at 2021 on google.

all class assignment 2021 1st week


Usually, anyone can find the notice relating assignment and direction on the dshe official website. But, for the last few days, 2021 syllabus is not doing well. The server seems to so busy that it can hardly redirect to the link. So, we suggests our beloved students to download the syllabus from this posts. Here we have given the PDF file of each of the classes with subject name. So, get for your assignment at now.

Class 9 Assignment Syllabus PDF

Class 9 students are the most suffer in the run due to the pandemic namely Coronavirus. They have to study more to take enough preparation for their upcoming examination. For the class nine student, assignment might be the first job they are going to do. Many students have asked us what an actually assignment is. They also seem to ask from where they can get their class 9 short syllabus pdf file in 2021. The syllabus and assignment are not the same thing.


Because, a syllabus is the whole document for the selective part of study. On the other hand, assignment is done only a single part of the whole body. If you are a class 9 student, then you have your Bangla, English, and Bangladesh Studies subject. It leaves no doubt that each of the book has several chapters. For the first step, you have to complete the first chapter in the syllabus. And, reading the whole section of the chapter, you need to write down a assignment.

class 9 assignment syllabus


Class 9 Assignment Syllabus 2021 PDF


Class 8 Assignment Syllabus

The class 8 short syllabus includes a few chapters in your book. Following the direction of the directorate of secondary education DSHE, you have to complete the assignment provided by your class teacher. The class 8 assignment syllabus of Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Khulna, Rangpur, Jessore, Mymensingh, Barisal, Technical Education, Madrasha Board is accessible here. Anyone can get the assignment syllabus pdf file of any class from our website.


We have made the assignment of each class for the high school open for all. There is no hard and fast rule for collecting the short course new syllabus for the children. They are invited here by our expert team and to download the given PDF file. They can also download assignment as much time as they want. So, go for downloading the class 8 1st week assignment syllabus 2021 from this web post now. 

Assignment Syllabus Class 8PDF


Assignment Syllabus Class 7

The assignment syllabus for the class 7 student in Bangladesh has also been updated by the NCTB authority. The education ministry concerned has made easier for the students the study. The authority have made the way very flexible for Sangsad TV Live Class online. The students and their guardians have also access to the Kishore Konnect Batayon. From this digital platform, the learners can watch and download the recorded class. 


Now, a question is coming around and in the mind of the learners how to write a assignment. Though writing an assignment is an easy task for the students of higher level, but it is very difficult job for the class 7 student. For them, we are thinking of creating a new post describing what they need to write an assignment. However, find out the below syllabus and read the whole chapter of the subject.

Class 7 Assignment PDF Link


Class 6 Syllabus 2021

The revised syllabus has also been uploaded by the administration at directorate of secondary education. But, for the class six or VI student, you can think how much difficult it would be writing an assignment. What they can do is nothing but depending on their teachers. So, read the next post of our website where you will get the assignment cover page design of front page for class 6, 7, 8, and 9.

class 6 islam assignment 2021 class 6 bangla assignment answer

Class 6 2nd Assignment PDF Link


All Class Assignment Syllabus Download


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