March 6, 2025
SSC Short Syllabus 2026 PDF (Revised) | সংশোধিত এসএসসি সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাস ২০২৬

SSC Short Syllabus 2026 PDF (Revised) | সংশোধিত এসএসসি সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাস ২০২৬

NCTB – National Curriculum and Textbook Board has announced its SSC level short syllabus in 2026 in Bangladesh in PDF format. The authority has made the SSC New Syllabus published in update short form on this week. The possible date of the postponed Secondary School Certificate Examination is the middle of June 2026. The SSC exam 2026 will take place taking the short syllabus into full consideration. The students can now from here watch and download the SSC short syllabus 2026 PDF by NCTB New Syllabus of All Education Board. 


SSC Syllabus

SSC Syllabus is very prominent to the secondary school students in Bangladesh. After a one year break into the academic study, the SSC Examinee is going to sit for any public exam in 2026. The preparation of the have SSC students was not so good during the covid-19 period. There has been a tremendous demand from the side of the examinee for auto pass.


However, the education minister herself has refuted the demand and decreed that SSC exam will be held in 2026 following a SSC short syllabus. Moreover, the tuition and coaching centers remained suspended following that period. The students in great danger hearing the news of their SSC Examination. To ease the pressure on them, the education ministry has supervised for a short syllabus for SSC level.

SSC Syllabus 2026

Students has been familiar with the new syllabus as the SSC syllabus 2026. Because, the syllabus has been published in the first month of 2026. That is why the students are calling it as SSC Syllabus. The examination of the SSC will also count this present year. The most probable issue about this SSC syllabus is that is short, not in the sense of length but topics.



The most students at the school level under class nine and ten has been on the run for collecting the SSC syllabus 2026. The syllabus will go in effect when you will start trying to completing it. If you cannot make the syllabus finish by the time when your SSC examination will hold, you may lack behind than others. So, get your copy of the SSC new syllabus set by NCTB Bangladesh.

SSC Short Syllabus

Earlier we have stated that their will be an SSC Short Syllabus for the students. All board in Bangladesh such as Dhaka, Rajshahi, Barisal, Jessore, Chittagong, Mymensingh, Sylhet, Comilla, Madrasa, Technical Education, Vocational SSC Short and New Syllabus is available in 2026 on our this website. SSC Short syllabus is not for only one subject. Rather it includes all the theoretical courses in the SSC syllabus.


The SSC short syllabus includes NCTB Bangla, English, Mathematics (Math), Science, Islam, Religion, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Higher Math, Agriculture, Civics, and other courses. So, for our beloved students, we have given subject wise syllabus. The examinee will have to collect the syllabus first. Then they have to create a study plan according to the new syllabus.

SSC Short Syllabus 2026

The SSC short syllabus 2026 has been elapsed by the National Curriculum and Textbook Board. The board in a recent meeting has decided that they will withdrew the existing ssc short syllabus and will provide a new. In a meeting on December 27 presided by education minister Dipu Moni has come up with the thought.


SSC Short Syllabus 2026 PDF


Therefore, our students must wait for a few days more to get the original syllabus for their SSC preparation. Here is the notice as published by a daily media in Bangladesh gets our attention. So, let us check for the new one in the upcoming week. It has become a trend for everyone searching www.ssc syllabus .com online. The S S C syllabus or selebus can also be taken by the students.

SSC Short Syllabus 2026 PDF

The board authority has published the SSC syllabus 2026 in combined pack file. The PDF file includes all subject and board short syllabus for the secondary school examinee. Here is both the old and new version of the SSC Shorty syllabus has been given for the help of the students. They need to give full concentration in their study from now.


So, try to overcome your fear over the chapter assigned in the SSC Syllabus 2026 PDF and get ready yourself to face the long waited biggest public exam. And, there will be a pre-test examination before the SSC/Dakhil Exam take place in accordance with the New Short Syllabus. So, download NCTB your SSC/Dakhil Syllabus PDF in Bangladesh now from this page.

NCTB SSC New Short Syllabus

The National Curriculum and Textbook has withdrawn the earlier SSC Short Syllabus and issued a new notice. They have urged the SSC students to collect the NCTB SSC New Syllabus from the official website. Along with the official website, they will also publish the new version of the short syllabus on this website also. So, try to get fast whenever it is available online.

[su_note note_color=”#f71a12″ text_color=”#ffffff” radius=”2″ id=””]PDF List of SSC New & Update Syllabus 2026 [/su_note]

Dakhil Short Syllabus 2026

Dakhil Short Syllabus 2026 PDF file has been published on our website for making download free. The National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) in Bangladesh has released the Dakhil and vocational or technical short and revised syllabus 2026 at last. The authority has also proclaimed to take the SSC Exam 2026 in June by all means.


এসএসসি সংক্ষিপ্ত  সিলেবাস ২০২৬

২০২৬ সালের এসএসসি পরীক্ষার্থীরা তাদের নতুন সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাস এখান থেকে ডাউনলোড করতে পারেন। শিক্ষা বোর্ড ‍পূর্বের প্রকাশিত সিলেবাসকে বাতিল বলে ঘোষণা করে নতুন সিলেবাস প্রকাশের উদ্যোগ নিয়েছেন। সুতরাং, সংশোধিত এসএসসি সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাস ২০২৬ বা সর্ট সিলেবাস প্রকাশ পাওয়া মাত্রই আমাদের ওয়েবাসাইট থেকে ডাউনলোড করে নিন। 


Read More: 

HSC Syllabus 2026 PDF NCTB Bangladesh) 

SSC New Syllabus 2026 Short & Final All Subject Syllabus PDF