March 9, 2025
Short Syllabus 2022 for SSC, HSC Exam PDF

Short Syllabus 2022 for SSC, HSC Exam PDF

The Education Ministry of Bangladesh has today published the 2022 Short Syllabus for upcoming SSC and HSC Exam. Ministry officials have released the short version of the syllabus at 11:00 GMT on 27 May (Thursday, 2022). This syllabus has been formed following the NCTB original textbook. In the New Syllabus only half of the course (fifty percent out of total book) has been included. The SSC and HSC or equivalent exam such as vocational/Dakhil/Alim will be take place in accordance with this new and short syllabus in 2022. So, download the latest edition of the 2022 Short Syllabus and be prepared for the upcoming public examination.


Short Syllabus

Short Syllabus is very very prominent for this year’s SSC and HSC Examination. It has no doubt over this thought that SSC or HSC students in Bangladesh cannot have this piece of syllabus. According to the concerned authority’s shared information, the students of the secondary and higher education level does not need to read the full textbook. They will only require to read half of the topics in their books as per the 2022 short syllabus . Thereby, the pressure will be lesser than earlier for the beloved learners.


The short syllabus of each subject and each level has been provided with the most easy of downloading in pdf file. Whether you are a student or guardian or teachers, you have to select what class syllabus do you want to get. Therefore, below is the particular section that will show you the path for checking your own unit.

ssc syllabus 2022 pdf

2022 Short Syllabus

We have named the recently published syllabus as the 2022 short syllabus. As the authority has published two short syllabuses in 2021, we have given separate names for the duo version. The next year secondary and higher secondary school examination will take place in accordance to the 2022 short syllabus. The short syllabus is for only the high school and college students in the country.

Other do not need this syllabus as they are not going to sit for any public examination such as SSC or HSC. Therefore, only the learners who is going to take place any of the duo central examinations in 2022 will need this copy of the syllabus. Now, the main talks will begin relating to the short syllabus PDF file download. Though it is high time the student should move forward, they always lack behind the schedule.

SSC Short Syllabus

The students under the Secondary School Certificate level at the high school need this SSC Short Syllabus. According to the last information of the authority, the so called SSC exam 2022 may take place in the month of June next year. We are predicting that SSC exam will go for holding after the Ramadan or Eid. Therefore, our SSC level students does not have much time to take preparation. They are obliged to download the SSC Short syllabus 2022 and print it for further use.


SSC Exam syllabus is free to download as it will be forever. SSC syllabus 2022 will include the prominent parts from the NCTB textbook. So, you must consider it getting whenever you have the chance to download it. As we have stated always, hit your luck at right time to move fast toward the high level. SSC exam result is very valuable in your life; therefore a good preparation is not less important than SSC 2022 Short syllabus.

2022 SSC Short Syllabus

People who love getting PDF file can see this section for better use. It is of surety that the SSC Short syllabus 2022 PDF version is praiseworthy. Many students in Bangladesh prefer reading their academical things such as syllabus or notes in their portable mobile phone or laptop. For such persons, a PDF file can the very best idea for having downloaded now.


So, syllabus needy students have the full access on our website to get their most expected PDF file file textbook curriculum. So, no need of hustling around to and fro but concentrate your attention here for better performance. You must get rid of every pressure upon and make yourself ease with the SSC new syllabus now.

ssc short syllabus 2022


SSC Short Syllabus 2022 PDF Download

As we have outline for our beloved students in regard of downloading the ssc short syllabus 2022 pdf download, our team has been working since the publishment. Generally, the work of us is to reach the PDF file of the assignment so that they feel that they are very ready to take it. In our country, the SSC leaners are not so developed in the information and technology sector. Therefore, our effort is that they will come to our website and will download their short syllabus.


If you are a students of class ten or nine, then you may download your syllabus following a PDF file attached here. Downloading PDF file of the short syllabus will be helpful for you as our team has concluded. Therefore, nothing but attempt which you will make to complete the reading given at the 2022 syllabus will bring a massive change in you. 

SSC Short Syllabus 2022 PDF Download 


HSC Short Syllabus

This section is for only those students who are studying at the higher secondary level in Bangladesh. Alongside the examination of the SSC, the education ministry concerned has also proclaimed to take the HSC Exam 2022 in July. Though the date is not clear when the HSC exam will take place (kobe hobe), but the short syllabus of HSC will help them. So, the most desperate thing for today as it will after few minutes is the syllabus for HSC 2022.


It is the most precious time for the HSC level students in Bangladesh to take the opportunity of the shorten syllabus. The short selebus of any class has a great chain of document with your NCTB textbook. Generally, short course curriculum along with syllabuses has been formulated to give relax the HSC learners.

2022 HSC Short Syllabus

Persons would want to get a record of PDF will see this section to make more use of it. It is of guarantee that the 2022 HSC Short syllabus  form is excellent. Many undergraded studies in Bangladesh, for example in their portable mobile phone or PC, tend to read their academic materials. A PDF record may be the best thing to worry of for some users to download now.


In this respect, unstudied schedules have direct access to their most anticipated PDF paper reading software on our platform. In these cases, you do not have to rush forward or backward, but emphasis here on improved results. Hence, the best suggestion for them is going for the short syllabus by any means. 2022 may bring some success in them if they try with their hear to achieve the HSC syllabus.


HSC Syllabus 2022 PDF Download

The help from the authority is that they have developed the existing syllabus to a shorter than the previous one. The main goal for creating 2020 short syllabus is that students will get enough time to complete their preparation. So, you can download your HSC Syllabus 2022 PDF file using via below link.


HSC Syllabus 2022 PDF


Read More: SSC Short Syllabus 2022 PDF (Update & New Version) | সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাস ২০২২