Rupali Bank Officer Result (Final Viva Result) 2020: The viva-voce Result for the Rupali Bank Officer has been published today. Rupali Bank viva voce examination took place. The result of the Rupali Bank Officer post has been published by the authority today on 30 September 2020. A total of 736 candidates have been selected for the primary level of the Officer Viva Exam. Watch here the result of the Rupali Bank Officer Final Viva Result 2020.
Rupali Bank Result
The viva-voce Result for the Rupali Bank Officer has been distributed today. Rupali Bank Limited, a member of the Secretariat of the Bankers’ Selection Committee, has a 2016 based ‘Officer’ Viva Voce Result. In view of the notification No. 42/2018 published on 30/09/2020 for the purpose of filling 736 vacant posts. The written test held on the date and the subsequent oral test taken from the candidates who passed the written merit list. 736 candidates with roll numbers have been initially selected for recruitment.
Rupali Bank published a circular in 2016 against 736 posts under its Officer Post. You will get every single of information about the job in the below circular that has been attached here.
Rupali Bank Officer Result
The committee at the Bangladesh Bankers Selection has finally published the result for the Rupali bank Officer Viva Exam. They have primarily selected four hundred sixty two candidates for the Officer Post at the Rupali Bank. The students who have passed the written examination were called for the Viva Voce Exam.
Rupali Bank Officer Viva Result PDF download
The Rupali Bank Officer written question was not very hard but positive. The rupali bank Officer circular 2020 says that it a first class job.
Rupali Bank Officer Viva Result
Here is the result for the Rupali Bank Officer Final Viva Result 2020. The authority has made the Result published today. You need to download the below PDF file from here. Here is the detailed Result from the Image File.
Rupali Bank Officer (2016 ) Result PDF