The authority of the Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited has published its NESCO Result 2020 for the Sub Assistant Engineer and Deputy Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Written Exam today on 19 February 2020. In a notice, the NESCO authority has published the result for the sub assistant engineer written exam. The NESCO authority has also published the viva voce schedule for taking the oral examination of candidates who have passed the written test for the appointment of Deputy Assistant Engineer (Electrical) of Nesco Ltd.
NESCO Result 2020
As per the NESCO notice of today on 19 February 2020, a total of 222 (two hundred and twenty-two) candidates have passed in the written test held on 31 January 2020 at the Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology. This year more than nine (9) thousand students took part in the Nesco sub assistant engineer and assistant engineer’s written exam 2020. The result for the duo posts has been published by the NSECO authority yesterday and today with complete information.
Here on this page, we are giving you the real and the authentic piece of information about all kind exams and others of the Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited, which is known as the NESCO in Bangladesh. To be informed of all information relating to NESCO LTD. you must follow our website from time to time to get the latest update of the famous organization.
NESCO Written Exam Result 2020
If you are looking for the written exam result of the Sub-Assistant Engineer and Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Written Test which has been issued by the authority at NESCO in 2020, check our notice board here. The reports for the subassociate expert test is published by the NESCO authority in a Report. NESCO also distributed the living voice plan to the oral assessment of upcoming people who took the formal appraisal of Deputy Assistant Engineer (Electrical) from Nesco Ltd. The NESCO authority distributed.
NESCO Sub Assistant (Electrical) Written Exam Engineer Result 2020 Download
NESCO Sub Assistant (Electrical) Written Exam Engineer Result 2020 PDF
In a composite test, which was held at the University of Engineering and Technology in Rajshahi on 31 January 2020, a total of 222 (200 and 22) competitors took part, in accordance with today’s NESCO Notification, on 19 February 2020. This year, more than 9,000 understudies were involved in the written project 2020 of Nesco’s fellow model and assistant specialist. The results were distributed yesterday and today with comprehensive data by the NSECO authorities.
NESCO Sub Assistant Engineer Result 2020
Here on this list, we give you a real, valid database of virtually all beneficial tests and other of the Bangladeshi-based Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited, the NESCO. You should follow our website now and again to get the latest update from the well-known organization. To learn about all the data identifying with NESCO LTD.
NESCO Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Result 2020
The authority at the NESCO has also published the result of the written examination for the Assistant Engineering under the electrical category. However, the result comes online on 18 February 2020. If you want to see the result of the due exam today, you can check it from here in the JPG file with a good heart.
NESCO Sub Station Attendance Result 2020
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Anatomical anesthetics of the anteri
Anatomical anesthetics of the anterior transverse anatomy in the lower back of the trunk at the transmitter
For this, visit Zia Turley.
A) Diyalarjee shrimp umbrella at Kotropa Pilipa 2 (Dai) in Kodiati;
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The Mutropop of the Zion / Natronism Issue, issued by the Upright Petroleum Chairman Kirkman, in the autonomous Dryan;
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