February 11, 2025
ICAB Exam Result 2023 Student Login – www.icab.org.bd

ICAB Exam Result 2023 Student Login – www.icab.org.bd

ICAB has published the result of exam result 2023 session by www.icab.org.bd authority. The result has been declared around 11:30pm in Bangladesh time by the The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB). The candidates who has taken part in the ICAB exam and wanting the result of the May June 2023 can have the result from our website now. It is note that the ICAB result is available is on our website at present in both PDF file. As an result seekers, you can make the result download from here very easily by clicking on the single link.


ICAB Exam 2023

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh, mostly known as ICAB, has taken its last examination of the Advanced Level in May-June 2023 last. Since the examination, there has been some sense of the confusion about when the result will be available. Moreover, during the pandemic situation the ICAB authority took the exam by any means. If you want to the about the institute you can visit the below link from the Wikipedia.


However, our main concern of this post is telling all about the result of the ICAB Exam 2023 that you can find here. There are actually two ways to check the ICAB Exam Result 2023. One goes for your individual result while another is the total list. Both are available below for your so that you can find it very easily.

ICAB Result

ICAB took the examination of both the certificate, professional, and advanced level in last May June 2023. The separate examination took place under the institute. Here the ICAB authority has released its exam result of all levels on January 16, 2021. Though it was not uncertain when the result would be available online by the core authority, the ICAB exam controller have removed the controversy by publishing the evaluation.


It is the council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) that has declared the result of the exam 2023. Therefore, you do not need to have tension about the surety of the result. Md. Afzal Hossain, Examination Controller of ICAB, has signed in the result sheet as available below.

ICAB Exam Result 2023

ICAB authority has made the result published separately following the level of examination. You will also find the result list as shown in the official website. However, if you cannot find the ICAB Exam Result 2023 on official website, then we can be the most trustworthy source then. Here one will get the result of the three levels- certificate level, professional level, and advanced level exam result of May June 2023 without any hassle at all.

ICAB Exam Result 2020[adToAppearHere]

The ICAB council has published the registration number, roll no, name and fathers name of the examinee in the result sheet. As the trio sheets are different from one another, you must have a look on that you need to focus. So, get it below as you can see in the link. Below will be the list of the trio level of the ICAB exam result 2023.

ICAB Result May June 2023

In the certificate level of ICAB exam, as the result shows, a total of 125 candidates has succeed to get the pass marks. The ICAB exam authority has displayed the name and roll of the examinee who has passed in the exam as shown in ICAB Result May June 2023. On other hand, a sum of 35 people have come up with the title of the success in the ICAB advanced level exam result 2023.


Moreover, the number of the examinee who has passed in the ICAB professional level exam is 33. That is the all about your result of the ICAB exam result in Bangladesh. It is to be note that only ICAB is the lone authority to declare the result of its any examination. All the information about the exam result has been collected from the official sources. Therefore, if anything is found wrong or result is mistaken, this site will be no liable of it.

ICAB Exam Result May-June 2023

Here is the list of the three result sheet that could be found also at the official website. The ICAB Exam Result May-June 2023 has come up public. So, anyone having an easy access can download the result as given below.

[su_note note_color=”#f71312″ text_color=”#ffffff” radius=”5″]ICAB PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION RESULT[/su_note]




www.icab.org.bd is the official website of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB). Therefore, you can also make a try to get the ICAB exam result from www.icab.org.bd. You can also get other relevant information such as ICAB Exam Routine NOV-DEC from that portal also as of ours.


http //exam.icab.org.bd 44320/

If you cannot find out the ICAB Exam result 2023 from official website you can check it from http //exam.icab.org.bd 44320/ also. This is also the secondary official website for you that is very helpful in need. The authority has also asked you to check the ICAB Exam result using their own roll and registration number.

[su_button url=”https://exam.icab.org.bd/” target=”blank” background=”#e81926″ size=”2″ radius=”round” icon=”icon: download” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #ffffff”]Check Result Online[/su_button]

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