ACC Admit Card Download 2022 Constable –

Download ACC Dudok Constable Exam Admit Card from here. The ACC Admit Card for the Dudok Constable MCQ Examination is available now online for downloading. The authority of the Anti-Corruption Commission has already sent a message to the mobile of each of the candidates who have applied for the ACC Constable and Court Inspector posts. If you apply for any of the posts, you can download your Dudok ACC Admit Card from here. Here, we have discussed a very explicit method that you can know how to make the Dudok Admit Card Download 2022 successful.

ACC Admit Card 2022

The anti-corruption commission is the core authority that is responsible for checking all the corruption-related activities in each of the government offices in the country. ACC is the specialized organization of the state that works across the country to prevent corruption in every sector in the country. This core organization has circulated a circular a few months earlier against its deputy assistant director and court inspector post. The collected information states that this year a total of 91009 (ninety-one thousand and nine) candidates are going to sit for the MCQ examination.

As the exam date for the ACC AD and Court Inspector Posts has been made published by the core authority, as a candidate for the post you need to download the admit card now for the Dudok MCQ Examination. What you need to do in order to download the admit card for both posts is described here. Here you are about to set to know what are the locations that you have to use to download the Dudok admit card. You also will be able to know what the particular things that you are about to require when you will go for downloading your ACC admit card.

ACC Constable MCQ Exam Date 2022

The Date for the ACC Constable and Court Inspector MCQ exam has been published earlier. You can also get it from here. One of our sources at the Anti-Corruption Commission has provided us the date for both ACC examinations. As per their scheduled date, the MCQ test for the ACC AD and Court Inspector posts will take place on 28 February 2022. The MCQ exam duration for both posts is one hour.

acc dudok exam date, seat plan, ad post admit card download

As per the exam schedule, the MCQ test will begin at 10:00 am on 28 February and will after one hour. The ACC MCQ test will be of 100 marks. Each of the 100 questions will bear one mark in the MCQ test. The pass mark in the ACC MCQ tests for the Dudok Constable and Court Inspector posts can know from here. To make yourself a passed candidate in the MCQ exam will be the following number as stated below. 

Dudok Seat Plan 2022 Download AD Assistant Director

The authority at the Durniti Domon Commission has also published the ACC seat plan for its deputy assistant director and court inspector posts’ examinations. According to the seat plan, the MCQ tests are going to take place at various educational institutions in the capital. What they have said is that all the exam centers are in Dhaka. The notice says the job candidates have to go Dhaka to attend the ACC AD Examination this year. However, this section is about how you know where you are set to sit for the Dudok MCQ test.

To know the way to download one’s ACC Admit Card the following process is a must. We have here described the way to inform you about the download process. At first, you have to collect your Dudok admit card first. In your downloaded admit card, you will find the exam center and date and other information on the examination. So, make sure that you have to download your Dudok Admit Card first from here.

ACC AD Admit Card 2022

Both candidates have two separate candidates. As per the direction stated in the ACC Job Circular a candidate cannot apply more than one post. So, the candidates will get the admit card that is only for them when they will go for downloading it. So, for downloading the ACC Admit Card, firstly you need to know the link where you can get your AD exam entry pass. Moreover, an admit card is the entry pass for any examination. So, there is no alternative to an admits card while planning to go for the ACC MCQ test.

To make the ACC Dudok Admit Card Download a candidate has to go to the official website for the examination and application of Dudok Jobs. You are aware that the Anti-Corruption Commission has sent you a User Id and a password on your mobile phone. You need to have those two things in order to collect your ACC AD Admit Card 2022. Firstly, you have to go to On that particular website, you are sure to get the admit card. admit card 2022

The answer to question what is the official website that is for the download of ACC Admit Card 2022 is It is the website run by the Anti-Corruption commission authority. They have developed this website to provide all kind of job-related processes at their respective offices. It is the ACC official website that is associated with the government teletalk operator service. This official website is used for the ACC Dudok online application. The candidates can apply their online application at the Anti-Corruption Commission job by this website.

As this is the website for each of the single processes for the recruitment of ACC, you cannot download your admit card from anywhere else. The candidate can only download their admit card only from that specialized website of the Durniti Domon Commission. So, go to the link as shown below. As go with the link, you will find two options where you have to write down your User Id and Password. You need to submit those two pieces of information. Then, you will find a soft copy of your ACC admit card. In the below of your admit card, you will find an option for download. So, click the download button and print it for further use.ACC Admit Card Download 2020 Dudok Admit Card Deputy Assistant Director DAD & Court Inspector Exam.JPG

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Durniti Domon Commission Dudok Admit Card 2022

Here Durniti Domon Commission Admit Card is also available. Durniti Domon Commission is the Bengali synonym of the Anti-Corruption Commission. In the earlier section of this post, all the description of how one can get his ACC admit card has been demonstrated very explicitly. There is no need for further discussion on this issue. Follow the above steps and get what you are for from here.

More Dudok Jobs:

  1. Dudok Admit Card Download 2022 | ACC Constable Exam Seat Plan
  2. ACC Written Result 2022 DAD Exam – Dudok Deputy Assistant Director & Court Inspector PDF
  3. ACC Question Solution 2022 | Duduk MQ Exam Answer Deputy Assistant Director DAD & Court Inspector
  4. Dudok Exam Question Written 2022 – ACC Assistant Director Written Exam Suggestion


About allnewjob 882 Articles
The owner of this website is a journalist working as a Staff Correspondent in Rajshahi, a northern district in Bangladesh, at English-language daily New Age. He is an ex-student of Rajshahi University, the second ranked public university in Bangladesh.

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