The ACC MCQ Exam Result 2022 for the Duduk Constable Post along with the right Answer is available now. The MCQ examination of the ACC Constable held today. This year more than ninety thousand candidates sat for the Dudok ACC Constable posts. As the examination is over, now watch the ACC MCQ Exam Result.
ACC Exam Result 2022
Today is Friday that is known as a holiday in our country. So, giving a solution to any examination Result is very hard before noon due to the prayer. However, the ACC MCQ examination Result is going to reach on our hand and we will solve it very soon. Already the MCQ examination Result for the ACC constable and Court Inspector MCQ Exam 2022 has come to us and our experts are on it for giving the solution.
How were you ACC MCQ examination for the Dudok ACC Constable and Court Inspector you can find here? Only finding out the examination solution for the anti-corruption commission MCQ examination, you may match it. However, I am not going to say that you have been selected for the job. But, I can give you the assurance that you will find your confidence in the job. By matching your correction with our Result, you will find it helpful.
Dudok Exam Result 2022
The Duduk constable of Constable Answer for the ACC MCQ Exam Result 2022 is currently available. The MCQ assessment took place today, 28 February 2022 of the Constable constable, ACC, and the Court Auditor. For the Dudok ACC Associate Director of Constable positions, over 90 thousand newcomers sat this year. As the evaluation ends, the ACC exam Results and the arrangement are currently examined and answered.
Being Friday, known as a holiday in our country. In this regard, it is difficult before the early afternoon for the petition to answer any Result concerning assessments. Nonetheless, Acc’s MCQ assessment problem will meet us and we will answer it very quickly. We have been requested by our experts to address the recorded appraisal Result for the ACC Assistant manager and Court auditor, Exam 2022.
ACC Constable Exam Result 2022
Getting the answers for the Dudok ACC Constable and Court Auditor MCQ report you might find out about here? You can only coordinate the evaluation response for the composed evaluation for the counter debasement Commission. In any event, I’ll not say you were selected for the event. I can in all cases confirm that your confidence in the activity will be discovered. We will consider it appropriate when combining the response with our inquiry agreement.
What will be your next target today after having a MCQ examination can look there? No, the people are for searching to download the ACC Exam Result 2022. We will try to give what you want. Especially, those who have sitten for the Dudok Constable and court inspector post will be our main focus today. So, get ready yourself to find out the examination Result as our website goes by the way.
ACC Constable MCQ Question Solution
Today is the inspector and constable’s selection test. Always good wishes and blessings to you all, the good of the last good, so today is the day when you give the first to the end, without excess pressure. Exam Result has been uploaded and, after your examination, there is a request to share the Result in the group. Now, you have done your part in uploading the Result. Then, give us time to make the ACC constable mcq question solution in 2022.
Constable Exam English Result
23. A place for keeping bees is
Ans: a) Apiary
24. Which word is correct?
Ans: a) Lieutenant
25. Verb of the word “Simplification’ is-
Ans: c) simplify
26. Choose the correct meaning of Greek to-
Ans: b) অজানা
27. The Noble Prize of Literature in 2019 is awared to-
Ans: c) Peter Handke
28. You must adhere——–your principle.
Ans: To
29. Theocracy is the rule of –
Ans: c) Church
30. Which is the following is incorrect?
Ans: hugest
31. The Meaning of ‘Posterity’ is-
Ans: Later Generation.
32. Choose the synonym for Stubborn-
Ans: obdurate
33. Which one is correctly spelled?
Ans: Tsunami
34. আমার ক্ষুদা নেই- translate into Bangla-
Ans: I have no appetitte.
35. The meaning of ‘feel at home’-
Ans: Free and easy
36. A place where verything is perfect-
Ans: Utopia
37. Howl is the sound of –
Ans: Dog
38. A place for keeping dogs is know as-
Ans: Kennel
39. Which is one is correctly spelt?
Ans: supercitious
40. What is the meaning of Draw Up-
Ans: Fininsh
ACC Constable Bangla MCQ Result 2022
Check the Bangla Result for the Anti-corruption commission ACC Constable and Court Inspector MCQ Exam Result 2022. There are a total of 20 (twenty) MCQ Results in the Constable and Court Inspector MCQ examination. Here we have given the answers for each of the 20 MCQ Results. However, you can leave a comment below if you like our website. We deserve that you are our best companions. So, we want to go far with your help.
General Knowledge, Mental Ability & Computer MCQ Result 2022
Here you will also find the Result for the ACC Constable and court inspector General Knowledge, Mental Ability & Computer MCQ Result 2022. Open the PDF file to watch the answer to all Results from here. We the team is here only for helping you.
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