Dhaka University or DU C Unit Result 2022 is now available along with its full merit list since the admission test ended recently. The applicants who have sat recently for the du ga unit or commerce group entrance test will have to match the answer with the result. Our team has collected the c unit result and is trying to provide the result as soon as possible. If you are one of them who have taken part in the Dhaka university admission recently, then read the du c unit result 2022 along with the result and result here.
DU C Unit Result
The long awaited entrance test for c unit under the University of Dhaka took place recently following the health guidelines. The exam was held at six divisional cities in the country with a great deal of students taking part. The du c unit admission test started at 11am and ended one hour after. The du c unit result was not hard but in the term of middle standard. Here is the clear picture of the result along with the possible answer.
Now, most of the admission seekers who have completed the du c unit or ga unit admission test are looking online for the set of result. They are searching the result to check how many numbers they are about to secure in the exam. Therefore, for them getting the du c unit result is very important. Our team has eased their work by giving the result attached to this post.
DU C Unit Result 2022
Here is the most expected du c unit result 2022. recently the students from the commerce group have sat for the c unit admission test for securing a seat in the DU. For managing a seat, they will have to answer all the questions. If they can select the correct option in the result, they will be more viable to get a place in the c unit at DU.
There are a total of one hundred questions in the du c unit questions. Of the result, sixty are assigned for the MCQ while the rest forty are given for the written part. The students who will be able to make a good answer for the c unit written section have the most possibility to win a seat at DU in 2022. In the du c unit result, there are questions from eight subjects among which the applicants have to answer only five.
Lastly, we want to say to our c unit students that wait for the result to be sure whether you have passed in the du admission from commerce group or not. Do not take extra pressure but try to make the preparation good for sitting for the entrance tests of other universities.
Dhaka University C Unit Admission Result
You can also get the result for the Dhaka university c unit result from here. The result for the MCQ and written parts is also available here. For downloading the answer, one does not need to check the book, but this website very carefully. The result of each result requires a good deal of attention while it carries one mark.
Click Here To Watch C Unit Result
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