Diploma Engineering Admission Result 2023
Government Polytechnic Institutes, Technical Schools and Colleges and Bangladesh Institute of Marine Technologies Notice of Admission to Diploma-in-Engineering Course for All government polytechnic institutes under Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Bangladesh Institute of Glass and Ceramic, Graphic Arts in 2023-2021 academic year. Institute, Feni Computer Institute, Bangladesh Survey Institute (Comilla), Rajshahi Survey Institute, Vocational Teachers Training Institute (Bogra), Nectar (Bogra) under Bangladesh Technical Education Board Admission Result.
And Diploma-in-Engineering, Diploma-in-Textile Engineering and Diploma-in-Tourism and Hospitality for a period of 04 (four) years in Government Technical Schools and Colleges Admission of students in 1st and 2nd shift in the course and 4 year Diploma in Marine at Bangladesh Institute of Marine Technology conducted by BMET, Ship Building Technology is going to invite on-line application.
How check polytechnic admission result 2023
If you are not admitted to the institution in person between 23/09/2023 to 30/09/2023, online admission will be considered canceled. Seats are subject to vacancy between 01/10/2023 to 10/10/2023 Admission will be from the waiting list. Students who will complete the confirmation of admission from the waiting list will be admitted within the next 05 working days from the last date of confirmation of admission. Polytechnic / TSC / Bangladesh Institute of Marine Technology has to complete direct self-admission.
Covid-19 Website after the start date of the class subject to consideration of the situation And will be notified via SMS. The Admission Result for Diploma in Agriculture, Textile, Fisheries, Forestry, Livestock (Govt.) and All Diploma (Non-Govt.) courses under the academic sessions 2023-2021 has been published. The result of the second phase of application for admission in Diploma in Engineering at Government Polytechnic Institute, TSC, VTTI and Marine will be published on 11/09/2023.
btebadmission.gov.bd 2023 result
www btebadmission.gov.bd 2023 result is the official website for the Polytechnic Diploma Admission Result checking. One need to check his or her Goverment and private diploma admission result 2023 with this official website of the Bangladesh Technical Education Board. Here is visual steps of the admission bteb gov bd admission result for the diploma polytechnic students. Following are steps:
- make sure that you visit btebadmission.gov.bd
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- Click on any one section your application such as Diploma in Engineering
- Make a click on the Second Phase Result
- Give your SSC Roll No. Education Board, Passing Year
- Click Next option
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