February 18, 2025
Degree Result 2023 1st Year NU.AC.BD

Degree Result 2023 1st Year NU.AC.BD

The National University of Bangladesh has recently published a new notice on the university saying that the NU Degree Result 2023 1st Year has been published today on July 19, 2023. NU Degree 1st Year Result has also been announced for the first merit list on its official website nu.ac.bd. Therefore, it will be very joy to them who are now waiting for the NU degree result. To know the nu Degree Result 2023, you have to read this post attentively to the end. We in this post have described how the NU Degree 1st Year Result 2023 can be checked.

NU Admission Result 2023

As you know that the NU Degree 3rd Year Examination 2023 started on 02 July this year, the month-long degree 3rd year exam concluded on 06 August. It has been more than three months since the nu degree first year examination ended in September 2023. Now it is time for publishing nu Degree Result 2023.


We have talked about the NU higher official at the National University Gazipur Campus recently. The NU higher official has told the team of allnewjobcircular.com that they will publish the NU Degree Result 2023 in the first week of January 2023. As you know it as utmost true that the National University is the supreme authority, they are only the responsible body who can publish the nu all kind of exam result of any year including nu degree 3rd year exam result 2023.

NU Degree Result 2023

The NU sources said that at first the issue of publishing nu degree first year examination result 2023 was raised in the National University Academic Council Meeting. The National University Academic Council Meeting also held at the university main campus with NU vice-chancellor Professor Dr. Harun-or-Rashid in the chair. NU two pro-vice-chancellors, registrar, treasurer, and other higher officials were present in the nu academic council meeting.


In the academic council meeting, the nu vice-chancellor asked about the recent nu examinations and their results. At a stage of the discussion, nu vice-chancellor professor Dr. Harun-or-Rashid looked for nu degree 3rd year exam result 2023. In the meeting, the degree 3rd year exam committee member showed various causes of why they were taking much time to publish the NU Degree Result 2023 this year. However, the nu vice chancellor asked the committee to publish its degree first year examination result as soon as possible.

Degree Result 2023

Recently the nu degree first year examination committee 2023 has held its yearly meeting at the National University conference room at the main campus at Gazipur. National University Vice-Chancellor Professor chaired at the nu degree first year examination committee 2023 meeting with other higher officials and staff. In the meeting of the nu degree first year examination committee 2023, the committee talked about the degree 3rd year examination date.


The nu exam committee also argued for Degree Result published date 2023. As you are aware that the degree 3rd year exam committee consists of NU many higher officials and staff, they have come out various dates for the publication of degree first year exam result 2023. They have also argued among themselves over the Degree NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result published date this year. The committee in the hours-long meeting come to a solution that they will publish the nu degree first year exam result 2023 in the first week of January 2023.

How The Degree Exam Paper Processed

It is a long-standing issue as many students asked why the National University authority takes so much time for publishing the nu degree pass examination result. We have also asked the national university exam controller Professor Mir Mortuza Ali why they take too much time in publishing the nu exam result for any examination. Professor Mir Mortuza Ali has explained the reasons why more time is needed to publish nu degree pass exam result 2023.


At first, he said, the students take part in the degree first year examination 2023 at the beginning of July this year. The degree first year examination continues for one month ending on August 06. After the ending, the examination, the collages under the national university gather all the degree exam papers and send those papers to the national university main campus by post office service.


After getting the degree exam paper from all collages and affiliated educational institutes under the national university, Bangladesh, the NU degree 3rd year examination committee assigns various teachers to examine the answer scripts. The nu degree 3rd year exam answer scripts have no name or roll in the display but a code that is used to record the marks obtained in the examination.

How The Degree Exam Paper Marks Collected For Result

After getting the degree exam paper, the assigned teachers under the national university started marking the answer scripts. When the marking the answer scripts ends, the teachers send the answer scripts and a result sheet of that particular subject to the national university exam controller. The nu exam controller at Gazipur campus takes following steps to make the Degree Result 2023 published.\


After having the result sheets from every single teacher to whom the answer scripts for degree exam papers have been sent, the nu exam controller signs on the tabulation or degree result sheet and forwards it to the nu vice-chancellor office for VC’s approval. The nu vice-chancellor signs it and directs the concerned authority to publish it online. The Degree Result sheets are also sent to every educational institute under the national university by fax or email or post office.

When Will Be NU Degree Result Published 2023

When NU Degree 3rd Year Exam Result 2023 Will Be Publish is a hot topic in this present context. Students who attended degree first year examination 2023 this year are deliberately desperate in searching for nu.ac.bd Degree NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result pdf. They are searching for their degree exam 2023 result without any break. The google search console is displaying that a huge number of nu degree pass students have been searching for degree exam result 2023 both in pdf and picture formats with immense interest.

degree result

To inform you that the Degree Result 2023 was published on December 07 last year, suggesting that the degree 3rd year examination result will be published in the first week of December this year also. After the degree first year exam will be available online, we will post the pdf file of the result here so that you can easily get your degree examination result 2023.

How to Check NU Degree Result 2023 Online

After the national university degree examination publishes, the next question comes on one’s mind is that how to check nu degree exam result 2023 online. I will suggest checking your nu degree exam result of any year online as it the best option to find out one’s own result in the least flexible way. There are a few ways to check the national university exam result. The ways are nu notice board, nu official website, and SMS services. You can use on the three ways to collect your degree first year exam result 2023 if you feel that okay for getting your satisfaction.


However, if you want to check your nu degree 3rd year examination result 2023 online, you must follow the below-described directions we have stated in this post very carefully with the patient. To find out your degree exam result 2023, at the beginning of all processes you have to go to the National University official website www.nu.ac.bd. To visit the national university website, you must need an internet connection. Open a browser Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox or that you feel okay for you either on your mobile device or computer or laptop. Type www.nu.ac.bd and click enter button to go for result.

nu degree 1st year result

Check Degree Result by Online

On the nu website you will find results option in the menu section. You will find a new webpage while you will click on the www.nu.ac.bd results option. In the nu new webpage you will find several options with a + sign. Among the + marked sign, you have to choose the option that says that degree. To make your work easy, you will notice that the degree option is place first. When you will click the first + marked sign namely degree, it will collapse into four options.


In the collapsed four options there will be an option with the name of first Year. You need to require have a click on the first year to watch your degree 3rd year examination result 2023. After you have made a click on the first year button, you will find another option where your information on Registration and Pass Year will be asked. You must have to fill up the gap with the information that the national university has asked into those gaps. Type your roll degree registration number and passing year in the blank box.

রেজাল্ট দেখতে সার্ভার ২ চেষ্টা করুন

Server 1Server 2


NU Degree Result Server 2 Search
Registration Number*
Exam Year

After filling the blank box on the page you need to face captcha challenge in the midway of getting your nu degree exam result 2023. You have to type the same words and numbers as shown in the above image before clicking on Search Result option. You must enter the code above to watch your Degree NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result . By clicking on the Search Result option, you will find a new page where you will get your degree first year examination result 2023.

Collegewise Degree Result 2023.

To collect college-wise result in tabulation sheets you have to click the Tabulation Download option or the Collegewise Result. Once you have done on clicking one of the two options it will take you to new web page where you have to submit your college code and password to watch your tabulation sheets. You must have to know your collage code and password to see your collage-wise Degree NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result .

If you have forgotten your collage code,then click on the below link and search the name of your collage where you will get the specific code for your institution. You have forgotten your password, then you have to click on the forgotten password option to recover your nu collage code and ID.

Watch NU Collage List

Password ভূলে গেলে এখানে click করুন Forgot Password

Check Degree Result By SMS

Another way of watching your Degree NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result is by using your mobile phone message services. mobile service is one of the very easiest ways of getting a degree pass NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result . it is so easy to process that you have no intention of submitting captcha code or anything else. space you just need to focus on your mobile message option and you just have to type some words and have to send one specific number for your Degree Result.

www.nu.ac.bd result by SMS is one of the most searched items in Google last year 2023. In last year of 2023 many people especially students who took part in the degree pass exam that specific or particular year searched Google for their Degree Result 2023 by SMS service. Then you can realize how it is easy for getting your Degree NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result by SMS service that many people have received that service for their National University result.

www.nu.ac.bd result SMS

Why getting your degree pass exam result 2023 is the only easy way through SMS service I will demonstrate here. Firstly the National University website becomes overloaded and as result nu.ac.bd went down heavily due to the pressure upon it. Getting results from that particular website of the National University is almost impossible watching for degree 3rd year exam results 2023. So you can follow the directions we have stated here so that you can easily get your degree 3rd year exam result 2023 by SMS.

Okay if you decide to get your result by SMS service then please go to your message option on your mobile phone full stop OK then at the mobile message option you need to try race raise I need to type your registration number and have to send that number. You may be charged tk 2.50 for sending a message. After you send the message the National University message service control department will send a reply message where your result will be displayed

Send SMS to 16222 from any Cell for recent Result
SMS Format: NU [space] DEG [space] roll_no
Example: NU DEG 6100756. 

Watch Your Degree Result Here

Besides the above two options, you can also check your National University Degree NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result here by submitting your degree exam registration number and passing year easily. Fill in the below gaps and click on the below Search Result option to get your degree 3rd year examination result 2023 before everyone.

A question now comes on your mind about how you can watch your most debuted results for Degree Pass and Certificate Result for the years 2023. I will not doubt the fact that you will not have the same question as others do. You are prompt to have that kind of alternative question on your mind, resulting from the wanting that thrives you to know what is the way that allows you to find out your Degree 3rd Year Exam Result 2023 on a website that is completely different from the National University website.

The question of how you will get the result for the degree pas exam on this site instead of the national university question is a big fact. It can create the idea of uncertainty and credibility at the same time.

  • NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result
  • Degree first Year Exam Result
  • When Degree 3rd Result Will be Publish?
  • How To Check Result
  • See NU GPA Calculating System
  • Degree Result Online
  • Degree Results by SMS

In the above pages of the description, we have stated all the ways you can use to watch and check your national university Degree Result in the first attempt than earlier of most other people. Thought to get the nu degree first-year result 2023 is not too easy like getting the apple on hand for eating, you can get the NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result here by what you can do for yourself. I will not ask you to climb a mountain to get your nu admission result but to follow our simple and easy direction. The easy and simple direction will reach you to the expectation you are wanting for long.

www.nu.ac.bd degree result 2023

It has become a common search item that people nowadays search degree result kobe dibe instead of searching when Degree Result will publish. Some students also search degree folafol koto tarikhe dibe while a section look for degree result date publishes. Watch the latest Government Job Circular Private Job Circular, Bank Job Circular, Result, Exam Date Here On this page.

The consequences of the first year of the National University were distributed on January seventh. The first year Degree Pass Result of the National University of Regular Students of the scholastic year 20-27 and the Certificate Course Result of Registered Students of the Year 25 were distributed on the fifth of January. The admission result 20 and Certificate Course Result 20 were distributed through the National University site www.nu.ac.bd and www.nu.edu.bd. You can likewise get Degree first Year Exam results and authentication course results through our site planetbangla.com.

Starting in September a year ago, finishing October 28, October 2, standard understudies spend the first year level of the National University for the 20-21 scholarly year and the accreditation course trial of 27 enlisted private understudies. The first-year Degree Examination and Certificate Course Examination was held at the same time in 5 schools in 5 assessment focuses crosswise over Bangladesh and 2,222,212 up-and-comers took an interest. This year, the first year degree pass rate is 8.25%.

  • Degree NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result of National University
  • Degree 3rd Year Exam Result 2023 Download
  • Check Degree Result by Online
  • National University Degree first Result 2023 by SMS
  • Degree 3rd Year Final Result Published

Degree NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result of National University

Those who have obtained 3rd Degree Examination 20 and Certificate Course Examination Examination 21 can take a look at what to do during this leisure time before or after 3rd year Degree Result 25. Change and what to do after retirement at the end of the test – see the ideas

When will the National University 3rd Year Degree Result 25- Degree 3rd Year Exam result be released? A few years ago, it took 3-5 years to publish the results of the degree examination of the National University. But due to the constant movement of the students and the willingness of the university authorities, the results of the degree examination are now published within 5 to 6 months. On January 5th, the results of the 29th phase II were published on the National University website www.nu.ac.bd/results. You can also get your degree result through our Planet Bangla.

  • National University Degree NU Degree Result 2023 NU Degree 1st Year Result
  • How to get National University Degree Result?
  • BD Degree 3rd Year Exam Info 2023-19
  • NU Degree 3rd year Exam Result 2023
  • National University Degree Result 2023 by SMS
  • Degree Result Year 2023

How to get National University Degree Result?

National University Degree 3rd Year Examination Result – 28th Degree Result 2023 How to see Degree Result – How to see Degree Result. Watch the video below to see how easy it is to see the results of any exam at a national university. How to see National University Degree 3rd Year Exam Result 27 and Certificate Course Result 27. Degree 3rd Year Exam Result and Certificate Course Results are published through the National University website www.nu.ac.bd You can see the results of your Degree 3rd Year Examination.

2. Via the internet
Visit the National University website https://www.nu.ac.bd/results/ to see the results of the degree test through the Internet. Then choose the 3rd year from the search option on the left side of the results page, then search in the search box with your roll / registration number and test year. You will get your desired Degree 3rd Year Exam Result / Certificate Course Result.

degree NU Degree Result 2023 published date

You can easily get your Degree 3rd year Exam Result and Certificate Course Result through SMS on mobile. Follow the rules below to get Degree Result 2023 via SMS.

On your mobile message option, type: NU space DEG space your roll number and send it to 1222.

National Varsity Degree Result 25. See the degree result from here.

Degree Result has been distributed. The principal year degree assessment of 25 customary understudies and declaration course assessment for ordinary/private understudies began on May 12. The 27th degree fifth year schedule and accreditation course test routine was distributed on April seventh by the National University site.

Degrees will start each day for the main year of the Degree Year from 2 pm and afterward, start the assessment for the Holy Ramadan month from 8am to 5pm. The test finishes on June 7 last. Degree Pass and Certificate Course of eighth Year Examination Result was distributed on the University site on September 28 last. The consequences of the eighth degree assessment of the National University were distributed on the site of the college www.nu.edu.bd.

Degree Result 2023 Download

Degree Pass and Certificate Course of eighth Year Examination Result was distributed on the University site on October fifth. National University has distributed degree eighth-year schedule and declaration course fifth-year schedule 20 on their site. You can download the Degree Examination Routine 20 and the Certificate Course Exam Routine 20 from the National University Web webpage. To download Degree first-year Routine 20, you should download Degree first year Routine 20 from the notice leading group of the National University by visiting the University site www.nu.edu.bd. Also, you can see from our website Degree fifth-year schedule 20 and download.

It is to be noticed that in the primary year of the 28th year degree assessment was directed in May-June 27 and in the 8 focuses of 4 schools, 1 lakh 21 thousand 5 up-and-comers stepped through the examination. As per the aftereffects of the fifth year degree assessment in the scholastic year 20-27, the passing rate was 5.31%. eighth Degree Result 27 is distributed on the National University site www.edu.ac.bd.

We also discussed when National University authority will publish its Degree Result 2023. You can also be able to get to know how you can watch your Degree Result 2023 online. After reading this unique post, you will also be able to be aware of the fact that how you can check your nu Degree Result by SMS or mobile service.