March 10, 2025
Class 8 Assignment 8th Week 2021 Answer English & Charu O Karukola

Class 8 Assignment 8th Week 2021 Answer English & Charu O Karukola

Recently 8th week assignment 2021 for class 8 students have been declared in our country with possible question and answer. The learners of the class 8 who are taking full preparation to sit for the junior school certificate examination in 2021 will have to do assignment from their english and charu o karukola or art craft subjects. The questions and relative topics are available on the official website and here. The students can also find their class 8 assignment 8th week answer 2021 for english and art craft subjects from here anytime.


Assignment Class 8

For the class 8 students, the authority has initiated a new plan for keeping their academic works alive by providing homework in the name of the assignment. Last year no class took place physically at the school levels in the country, and class 8 learners were given an auto pass to the upper class. However, the assignment is a twelve week-long task for them by education directorate, now they are in the need to complete their 8th week assignment in 2021.


Class 8 assignment has now been mentioned so far in the high school learners syllabus. We have been mentioning to our students mainly what the authority at the directorate has asserted in those days. But, as young learners, the class 8 students have their positive aspects of quick learning. 8th week assignment shares its part for enlarging the knowledge of the class 8 understudies from its place.

Class 8 Assignment 2021

Everyone knows that there might be no chance of reinstating the schools and colleges in their previous situation in 2021. Several times, the ministry of education in our country has stated various dates to open the closed schools and colleges. However, they could not move for a single step in opening the educational institutions. Rather, they have emphasized continuing the class 8 assignment 2021 at the secondary school.


Certainly no entrances are open for opening the educational institutions for class 8 students. They will have to keep their study continuing at home with the help of digital technology. They can also take part in the 8th week assignment 2021 such as collecting questions and answer online. Class 8 students are also more aware of assignment tasks than those of other classes in our high school in 2021.

all class 8th week assignment 2021


8th Week Assignment Class 8

The 8th edition of the class 8 assignment has now been released by the education directorate chronologically. With the opening of this new week, the assignment assigned for the previous one has already been completed. Now, the class 8 learners will have to start defining the assignment for the eight week in 2021. At present, they need to have the class 8 assignment 8 week from here along with a complete syllabus.


Indeed, the students of the junior certificate level are in the middle of this year with suspension every minute. Each day they get different pieces of information relating to their examination. Sometimes the authority says that the JSC examination for the class 8 learners will take place. On other hand, they at the same time also asserted to continue class 8 assignment 2021 8th week to the end of this year.

Class 8 Assignment 8th Week 2021

Class 8 Assignment 8th Week 2021 is now available on our website for pdf download along with the access to image or JPG format. No student at the class 8 education stage is afraid of anything serious happening to themselves, since they know that the assignment in this week will come to light gradually. They will move forward to write the 8th week assignment by themselves in 2021 from their textbook.


Class 8 students will wander off to this week’s assignment without any problems as they have been habituated with the assigned tasks for more than 8th week. Assignment class 8 2021 8th week has also urged the students to write answer for two subjects. Therefore, you can easily get your all subject assignment question and answer from if you follow this website regularly.

Class 8 8th Week Assignment Answer

The students of class 8 should go for the collection of their recent week assignment answer from the original textbook provided by the school authority. The assignment answer of the 8th week lies between the lines of your course textbooks in 2021. Therefore, one must try first to find out the answer of their assignment from the books assigned in the syllabus, and then can search for other sources such as online.


One’s assignment will be greatly appreciated by the professionals who are expert enough in this field of education. Therefore, the answer for the 8th week assignment should be very concise and to the point. There is no chance for the class 8 learners in this week that they will make others do it. Among the positive things, try to find the best edition of the class 8 assignment answer in this 8th week in 2021.

Class 8 Assignment English

Since the assignment is happening by a circle two subjects are entering into the new one while two are going out from that week. In the 8th week, the class 8 assignment english 2021 has been included by the authority along with another course. Hence, each of the class eight learners need to complete their class 8 english assignment in this 8th week.


Class 8 English assignment for the week you are searching is here along with the topics and assigned tasks leveled in the syllabus. The assignment for english thus is going to be an asset to the evaluation as it can extend the merit in this 8th week. They can also accompany the assignment for the class eight english 2021 from the place they are now thriving for.

class 8 assignment english 8th week 2021


Class 8 8th Week English Assignment Answer 2021

Therefore, each of our learners is now about to face the class 8 english assignment 8th week answer 2021 from the set of courses they are designated for. The book is the most probable source for your assignment answer as quality matters a lot. Therefore, collect 8th week english assignment 2021 as it is greatly neglected at the time when it has a tremendous demand by everyone one and the country.


Our learners of class 8 are not accustomed to the assignment but have become experts in writing this since last year. They have, nevertheless, enough suitable books in the syllabus that they can make use for writing the english assignment answer. Class 8 learners can go through the selective section of the english book in this 8th week 2021 quite quickly for the answer, as they have been upgraded to the upper level of education.

class 8 english assignment 8th week answer


Click Here To Download Full Answer PDF


Class 8 Assignment Charu O Karukola

Our learners can also gather their assignment for the class 8 charu O karukola or arts and crafts subject from here. It is the second assignment from this subject in the 8th week so far. Therefore, the students are in no way but downloading their class 8 charu o karukola assignment answer 2021 from here. The below picture is the question for your 8th assignment syllabus while the following one is the answer.

class 8 assignment charu o karukola 8th week 2021

At last, we will urge our examiners of the junior school certificate in the country to give enough stress on writing the answer. The assignment of the class 8 has been undergone through several weeks, and is set to go for this whole year. Therefore, there is no end to this for the class  eight understudies at present but to notice that of 8th week first.

class 8 assignment charu o karukola 8th week answer 2021


Click Here To Download Full Answer PDF


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