March 9, 2025
Class 8 Assignment 11th Week 2021 Answer English & ICT

Class 8 Assignment 11th Week 2021 Answer English & ICT

The 11th week assignment for the class 8 level of learners has been released in 2021 asking an answer from English and Information and Communications Technology or ICT courses. It is the new assignment for the learners who are expecting to take part in the junior school certificate examination this year. Since the 11th assignment includes two subjects from the class 8 syllabus, the students should begin writing the answer soon. From here, the JSC learners can also download their class 8 assignment 11th week answer 2021 for the duo courses without any impediment.


Assignment Class 8

It is well known to our teachers and students that assignment is a must-do work for them. The learners of class 8 are detached from their regular academic activities for the last two years. Each week assignment published by the education directorate has made the grade VIII novices keep in touch with the textbook. Therefore, the assignment of class 8 bears a significant importance on the students this week.
The authority of the education ministry is yet to declare any particular date when they are going to open the suspended educational institutions for the class 8 learners. Therefore, nothing but writing the assignment of the 11th week is the only academic activity the students need to do. Here our team has added the question and answer for the class 8 assignment here for our young generation.

Class 8 Assignment 2021

The year 2021 has shown a number of ways to the class 8 learners that they can move forward if their academic studies goes off due to any situation. Our students of the high school have learned to develop the way to make the assignment done as per their upcoming inner motive. The class 8 assignment 2021 for the present week is also to be overcome by them very easily.
The very need of doing an 11th week assignment is that it is going to be the sole determiner to work for them. The school authority has unleashed a very pleasant truth for our class 8 understudies saying that they will provide marks following the learners’ performance in each week’s assignment so far. Therefore the class assignment 2021 can be a very good source for the 8 graders at this present context.

all class 11th week assignment 2021


11th Week Assignment Class 8

The 11th edition of the assignment for the class 8 learners has now been released by the respective authority. Therefore, in this paragraph we have attempted to describe what is in the 11th week assignment for class 8 and what they need to do as per the given direction. The first information they need to know is that there are not many courses in the 11 week assignment but only two of them.
The later piece of information for them is that the duo course assigned for the class eight students is not the optional courses. Both are very important and compulsory subjects as assigned in the 11th week assignment. Therefore, 11 week assignment class 8 2021 is going to have a tremendous need for the high school novices at this time of the year with a unique way of finding an answer.

Class 8 Assignment 11th Week 2021

Since, the students have got their desired information relating to class 8 assignment 11th week 2021, they need to have the main file from here. Our website has attached the very needed file which is the 11th week assignment for them on this post. Therefore, each of them can get the class 8 assignment 2021 11th week question and solution from here very easily.
For downloading your 11 week assignment as we have already assumed that you are one of the class 8 students who are searching for your assignment, you must follow the total guidelines as prescribed here. First, check the link below to download a PDF file which will redirect one to the official document for your class 8 11th week assignment in 2021.

Class 8 11th Week Assignment Answer

The next thing which is required for the class 8 students after securing the 11th week assignment questions is the answer. So what should be written in the answer is also described here very easily so that our class eight learners can understand. At first, they will have to read the given topic carefully by lines and then will have to manage to learn something that the question directly asks them in the 11th week answer.
The answer for each of the questions by the class 8 students must be very concise and to the point as this week assignment direction states. If following those guidelines seems to be very hard for them, they can also follow the below class 8 11th week answers which are designed only for them who are now reading at high school in our country. Thus, class 8 assignment answer 2021 can be an easy task for them.

Class 8 Assignment English

Like the previous weeks, the English subject has also been included in the 11th week assignment for the class 8 students. This is to be the 4th no assignment from english textbook for them. In the 11th week english assignment, at least eight lessons have been included for the learners from unit number three. The class 8 students have been asked to make a poster on the Covid-19 pandemic from their book.
The students will have to first read eight of the lessons from their english textbook to produce an effective answer in the 11th week. They have the full opportunity to take help from unit 3 from their class 8 English textbook. Thus, the class 8 English assignment will be very needy as well with the demand of proving their outstanding performance in 2021.

class 8 english assignment 11th week 2021


Class 8 11th Week English Assignment Answer 2021

At present, class 8 11th week english assignment answer 2021 is the main goal of the learners. In the 11 week assignment the class 8 needed to list 11 protective measures and make a poster to stop the spread of coronavirus disease, Covid-19. It is the particular assignment they need to find out an answer. Class 8 novices can also ask what is a poster or how to write a poster to stop the spread of coronavirus disease, covid-19.
They can also find the answer by making a list of 11 protective measures to stop the spread of coronavirus disease, covid-19. For writing the measures in their class 8 11th week english assignment 2021, they should follow the answer attached below in jpg format. The pdf link of the answer to the quest for the best measures to make a poster is also available here.

class 8 english assignment 11th week 2021 answer_page-0001


Download Class 8 Eenglish 11th Week Coronavirus Poster


Class 8 Assignment ICT

Since we have informed our dearest learners that there are two subjects included in the 11th week assignment for our class 8 assignment, ICT or information and communications technology is one of them. So, in this week, the class 8 students need to write an assignment from their ICT subject also. They will have to write an essay on the use of the information and communications technology in one’s daily life.
So, you can easily get the answer of the question from here very easily in the 11th week. The need of ICT in your daily life is beyond description as we solely depend on it. Therefore, your class 8 ict assignment answer 11th week 2021 is now accessible here for our high school understudies.

class 8 ict assignment 11th week 2021


Click here to download full answer

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