March 9, 2025
Class 7 Assignment Answer 2021 4th Week Science & Math

Class 7 Assignment Answer 2021 4th Week Science & Math

Watch class 7 4th week assignment syllabus along with answer of Science, Bangla, Math, Agriculture and Arts and Crafts is available now. It is the period for sixth week assignment of the class seven students in Bangladesh. The understudies are, of course, very desperate for the answer of their class 7 4th assignment. As the submission of the assignment must be completed by this week, students need to be very active in studying. Our this blog post can have a little or great contribution to the class 7 assignment as the answer is here for download.


Class 7 Assignment

As the submission of the assignment must be completed by this week, students need to be very active in their studies. Over the past weeks we have noticed it distinctly that students have been demanding the syllabus when it was uploaded several days back. Though the students, not all of them, were unable to know that their 4th week assignment has appeared to the school. While a number of them have confirmed that they want to get online first.


There should be a clarification from our side why we are able to publish the assignment syllabus before your school knows. It is very simple because the directorate of secondary and higher education publish the assignment online. Your school needs to download it from online and print the copy and hand over to you. Therefore, the long process takes time in reaching the assignment to you. Therefore, you can choose us for supplying your class 7 4th week assignment syllabus and answer.

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Assignment Class 7 Answer

Either you collect your class 7 4th week assignment from your school or online, it does not matter. Rather your submission matters to the teachers. And what is required for your assignment submission is the correct answer. Here, this is the valuable piece of paper we are giving you for free. The most skillful tutors of our group have been working since the beginning of November in 2020 to make answer for class 7 students’ assignment.


Students will have to submit assignment for at least three subjects : English, Science, and Bangladesh and Global Studies in the 4th week. Class 7 is also not exceptional in the sixth week assignment syllabus. Our class seven assignment of the 4th week has also appeared on our website. You do not need to visit a lot of websites for your class 7 assignment answer. Rather, if the learners wish to get, they will find class 7 all subject 4th week assignment answer in PDF and Image file.

4th Week Assignment Class 7 Science

4th assigned work for the class 7 students from the book is from chapter first of their general science book. This chapter discusses the structure of physics and relevant matters. The students will find out a description of three lines in question no 1 where the authority has given the name of some elements. Class 7 students have to answer the last two questions in the science assignment based on the above description in the 4th week.


The students have to write the answer of the first two questions from their science book as they are direct questions. You will find out the direct answer of the class 7 sixth week assignment answer in the text if you read it carefully. The last question in the class seven 4th week assignment is a short answer asking why sugar is a compound substance. Our students of class seven need not be so anxious for their 4th week assignment answer. Click on the below link and get your science assignment 4th assignment answer now.

class 7 assignment 4th week 2021 science answer


class 7 science assignment answer 2021 (1)


Class 7 Arts and Crafts Assignment Answer

The assignment to arts and crafts has now entered in the 4th week for the class 7 learners. The answer to the relative subject is very easy to do but need a fine attachment. Every attachment on this website is very helpful for any class or level of education.  Thus, if you are sure to bring the success on you then, it might be very well in accordance to the assignment answer from you as a novice of class 7.


Generally, charu o karukola is a course of life and art in the syllabus of the class 7 learners. Through the arts and crafts children grow up to believe that they are very pioneers in the development of the humanitarian world. Therefore, studying this subject can bring a massive change in the mind of the learners along with the assignment answer under 4th week in 2021.

class 7 4th week assignment charu of karukola


class 7 arts crafts assignment answer 4th week 2021

Class 7 Assignment Math Solution

4th week Math assignment for class 7 is from NCTB and composition textbook. In the assignment, the students have two parts-one is writing and another grammar. The class seven math 2nd paper assignment has the task of rewriting a passage using correct form of verbs. On the syllabus, you fill find the passage where some of the verbs are in the bracket. The students have to make the use of the right of verb corrected in your class 7 4th week assignment answer.


Class 7 students will also find a homework section for them to write in the assingment under 4th week. They have to read the page between 83-89 from the Class 7 Math book and must practice the activities of section B (i, ii, and iii).  The following answer you have to make as class seven math 4th week assignment is correcting preposition. In bracket, the directorate will give some preposition that needs to be filled at the appropriate place. 

class 7 math assignment 6th week 1


Class 7 Math Assignment Full Solution 


class 7 math assignment 6th week

Class 7 Home Science Assignment Solution

The Class 7 BGS assignments includes only two questions that need an elaborate answer on the qualities of a good citizen and Bangladesh election commission. From class 7 Bangladesh and Global Studies book, the students will find the answer of the 4th week from chapters five and six. Chapter five includes only one lesson titled the qualities of a good citizen while that of six adds lessons 3- election commission, electioneering area, and electioneering rules of conduct.


Class 7 students will have to create a work-plan that a good citizen does in accordance to the lesson 1 of your NCTB BGS book as 4th assignment answers. You have to point out the rules of conduct that are abided during the election that has happened in your locality recently.

class 7 agriculture assignment answer 6th week

Also Read the Following:

Class 7 English Assignment Answer & Solution (sixth & 3rd Week) 

Class 7 Math Assignment Answer / Solution School 

Assignment Class 7 Answer English, Banglসa, Math of all Week Solution

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