February 18, 2025

8 Bank Senior Officer Result 2021

The Combined 8 Bank BB authority had made the final viva result published of the Senior Officer (General) today on 28  December 2021. You will get the result of the 8 Bank from here when it will be online. In the written examination, a total of 886 candidates took part in the written exam for combined 8 bank general senior officer post. To check the result, you need to download the separate below PDF files.

8 Bank Result

The authorities concerned of the 8 Bank has come out with the MCQ examination result for the BB Senior Officer post today. On the same day, the BB authority has also made the seat plan for the Senior Officer general post available online. The long waited mcq examination for the BB Senior Officer post comes public on 27 November 2021. The written examination for the post at the main bank will take place on 14 January 2022.


The notice signed by the 8 bank general manager Md Iqbal Hossain says that they will publish the viva voce notice in the further development. If you are one who has given the written exam for the BB Senior Officer post, then check the result from here. We have given the result here with a clear image and PDF. You can also get the official link of 8 Bank Job section here. 

Senior Officer Result 2021


On another notice, the BB administrative has made the announcement of the publication another exam result. This is for the Senior Officer post. The published notice says that there have the roll numbers of at least 886 candidates. All the candidates have been able to manage the pass marks in the written examination for the Senior Officer result at 8 Bank. They only need to face viva voce now. Those who will be successful in the viva voce exam will get the job they desire for.


The job circular for the BB Senior Officer post was circulated in the national dailies on 15 May in 2019. The written examination for the BB Senior Officer post took place this year. The result of that examination comes after three months. However, check the result from here now. You cannot be sure till the results are online. Meanwhile, the respected authority is dreaming of recruiting good people at the Combined 8 Bank.

8 Bank Senior Officer (General) Result 2021

Already more than a week has been elapsed since the mcq examination of the Senior Officer post. So, there will be a short time that will count for the result. According to the published notice, this year only 886 job seekers have been able to get the fixed passing marks in the written exam. The exam for the BB Senior Officer Written Examination took place on 24 January 2021. The Combined 8 Bank has published the circular on 10 April 2019.


The written examination for the Combined 8 Bank Senior Officer (General) post has concluded on 24 January 2021 and now comes about publishing the result.

Combined 8 Bank Senior Officer Result 2021

‘Senior Officer (General) / Senior Officer’ jointly with 4 banks and 2 financial institutions. Notice regarding the list of selected candidates for direct recruitment to the post. Banks ‘selection committee consisting of 5 banks and 2 financial institutions jointly’ Senior Officer (General) / Senior Written in reference to Notification No-12/20, issued on October 1, 2009, for the appointment of 1227 vacant posts of Officer.


And from the list made by the candidates who passed the oral examination, 1220 candidates were initially appointed for appointment to the banks mentioned below. 

bank senior office result_page-0001 (1)


Download 8 Bank Senior Officer Result 2021 PDF Download


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