Bangladesh Bank Viva 2020 Exam Date & Schedule | BB Security Printing Corporation Job Written Result

Bangladesh Bank has published a new notice on 02 February 2020 on its website where it has demonstrated the viva voce exam date for various posts under the Bangladesh Security Printing Corporation Gazipur. The authority has published the time and schedule for taking the viva voce examination for the security assistant post. They have also published the viva time for Volt assistant, security guard, internal checker (male), production checker (male), examiner, assistant, and khadem posts.

Bangladesh Bank Viva Exam Date 2020

The authority of the Bangladesh bank published a job circular on 22 March 2018 against nine posts. The written examination for the eight posts held on 29 December 2019. However, the result of the examination makes published on 02 February 2020. If you are a candidate under the Bangladesh bank security assistant, volt assistant, security guard, internal checker (male), production checker (male), examiner, assistant, and khadem posts, then check it from here.

The Bangladesh Bank released an additional notice on the Bangladesh Security Printing Corporation in Gazipur on its website on 2 February 2020, indicating the viva voce test date for various items. Time and timetable for the viva voice evaluation of the security assistance post were allocated by the authority. We also supply viva power to Volt help, inside checkers, inspection inspecteurs, auditor, manufacturer and khadem pages. They can also supply a VIVA electricity.

7 Combined Bank Circular 2020 | BB Bangladesh Bank New Job Officer (General) Circular

Bangladesh Bank Written Exam Result 2020

The Bangladesh Bank Authority issued a roundabout of occupation for nine workers on 22 March 2018. The eight items hung up on 29 December 2019 in composition. Nonetheless, on 02 February 2020, the results of the test will be published. In case you are a buyer under the right-hand security of the Bangladesh bank, voltage employee, security monitor.

To check your most expected result, you have to go to the Bangladesh bank official website. On the website, you will find a section naming Job opening at the Bangladesh bank. You need to select it and press a click on the topic.

Bangladesh Bank Viva 2020

For the watch of your result of any examination, you need to watch this. The viva-voce examination will begin on 19 February 2020 and will continue till 26 February. So, find your roll no to watch your result.

Click Here To Bangladesh Bank Written Result and Viva Date PDF 

Bangladesh Bank Viva Bangladesh Bank Viva

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