February 18, 2025
Banglabandha Express Schedule & Time Table, Ticket Price

Banglabandha Express Schedule & Time Table, Ticket Price

Watch Banglabandha Express Train Full Schedule and Time Table in 2020. The railway authority has launched a new train namely Banglabandha Express on 15 October 2020. The Banglabandha Express Train will ply between Panchagarh and Rajshahi district. The Banglabandha Express will run directly from Rangpur-Murshidabad, Rajshahi to Nepal. You an get Banglabandha Express Schedule, Time Table, Seat/Ticket Price, Route, Train Number, Stoppage Station Name, and so on information.  [adToAppearHere]

Banglabandha Express Schedule


The Bangladesh Railway authority has inaugurated the Panchagarh-Rajshahi intercity ‘Banglabandha Express train service on 15 October. The new train will ply between various districts and stations of Panchagarh and Rajshahi. The train authority has also published the time table and schedule of the Banglabandha Express. You can download the Banglabandha Train Time Table and Schedule here in PDF file. This has add a new dimension in the transport sector of the northern area people.


According to the newly published schedule, the Banglabandha Express will leave Panchagarh for Rajshahi at 7.30 am and arrive at 5.30 pm. The Train will again leave Rajshahi at 9:15 pm and reach Panchagarh at 5:10 am. The train will run weekly from Rajshahi on Friday and from Panchagarh on Saturday. The train will stop at 21 stations including Panchagarh, Thakurgaon, Dinajpur, Joypurhat and Natore.

Banglabandha Express Time Table

Here is the latest time table of the Banglabandhu Express Train Schedule for the railway lovers. You can check the latest time table and schedule of the latest inclusion Banglabandha from here. If you want to to journey on that train, then you must follow the schedule properly. Because, this new train does not late. It leaves the station in time.


So, let us checking the latest schedule of the Banglabandha Express Train. You can also track the train from your device using two ways.

Banglabandha Express Schedule

Banglabandha Express Ticket Price

The ticket price of the Banglabandha Express Train are following. Check the PDF file of the train ticket and download it for reading more information as well as seat plan. Railway Minister said, “This train will run from Rangpur to Murshidabad, India, directly from Rajshahi to Nepal via Panchagarh’s Banglabandha and India’s Siliguri.”If we can establish this rail link in the future, we will have rail links not only with India but also with Nepal and Bhutan”.


Talks have already been held with the Government of India. They have expressed interest in extending the rail link from Panchagarh to Siliguri through Banglabandha land port. The railway line from Panchagarh to Banglabandha will be extended very soon.