February 11, 2025

44th BCS Written Seat Plan 2022 PDF Download – bpsc.gov.bd

The authority at the Bangladesh Public Service Commission, known as BPSC, has published 44th BCS written examination seat plan 2022 urging the candidates to collect it online from bpsc.gov.bd website. As per their information, this years’ around five lakh students are going to take part in the 44th BCS to be held on 29 December 2022.  The 44th BCS exam Written Seat Plan is then now available for download. So, reads this post to download info about 44th bcs circular, Seat Plan, syllabus, exam routine, admit card and written exam Seat Plan.


44th BCS Seat Plan 2022


A record number of candidates have applied in the 44th (st) BCS exam. The last day to apply for this BCS was Saturday. Last time till 6 pm, a total of 4 lakh 75 thousand candidates have been submitted. Earlier, a record number of 4.25 lakh candidates applied for the 40th BCS. Neesar Uddin, the test regulator of the Public Service Commission (PSC), confirmed the matter in the first light.


He said that a total of 04 lakh 75 thousand applications have submitted their online registration form, which is a record. So far 3 lakh 74 thousand 816 candidates have submitted the fee and confirmed the application. There are more than one million more candidates waiting for registration fees. The application fee can be submitted up to 12 hours after the completion of the application period. He estimates that the total number of applicants may now exceed four lakh. Now time for waiting for the 44th (st) BCS Seat Plan 2022.

44th BCS Written Exam Seat Plan 2022

In the published circular the BPSC authority has mentioned the possible date of the 44th (st) BCS Seat Plan in December 2022. So, to be more realistic, the 44th (st) BCS examination can take place on any day in December 2022. It the Bangladesh Public Service Commission authority who will declare the final date for taking the 44th (st) Written Seat Plan this year. So, the most possible date of the 44th (st) BCS.


However, the 44th (st) BCS Written exam can go in the next month/s due to some conditions. As you know the SSC public examination will start on 01 February in 2022. And the examination of the 12th grader will continue till December. In addition to this, the HSC examination will begin in April 2022 and will continue until December. As December is the month of Ramadan, there might be a delay in taking the 44th (st) BCS Written exam this year.

44th BCS Written Exam Seat Plan 2022 (1)


Click Here For Full Seat Plan PDF


44th BCS Written Exam Seat Plan 2022 (2)

44th BCS Circular 2022 PDF


The online application for the 44th BCS exam has been completed on January 04, 2022 hinting at the date of this year. You know the 44th (st) BCS Circular was published by the Bangladesh Public Service Commission PSC on Wednesday, 27 November 2022. According to the latest published 44th (st) BCS Circular 2022, the online application will start on 01 December 2022. The last date of submitting the BCS online application form is 04 January 2022. Under the 44th (st) BCS Circular, a total of 2166 persons will be taken under various cadres. This year more than four lakh seventy-five thousand students applicants applied for this year’s Seat Plan.


Click Here To Download the 44thst BCS Circular 2022 PDF


You will also get information about how you can apply for the bcs online application here with step-by-step directions. The candidate will also get to know all the information relating to the requirements or qualifications needed for applying the 44th (st) bcs application. You will aslo able to get the following information about the 44th (st) BCS examination such as Seat Plan, bcs written syllabus, bcs exam syllabus, bcs age limit, and other information. If you think that the above information is valuable for you then, read the whole text to know every single information about the 44th (st) BCS Exam 2022.

Posts Vacant at Education Cadre 44thst Circular


You can watch the 44th (st) BCS Circular 2022 in both PDF and JPG format from the below link and image. However, we have also discussed every single information that you must know if you are going to apply for the fourteenth bcs examination in 2022. We have here discussed the bcs vacant post: how much people will be recruited under the 44th (st) bcs and to be specific in which post how much students will get recruited under the Bangladesh Civil Service Examination in the upcoming year.


Under the 44th (st) BCS Examination, a total of nine hundred and five persons will be recruited under the BCS education cadre. Among the 905 persons under the BCS education cadre, there will be a total of eight hundred and ninety-two (892) recruited under the BCS lecturer cadre while only ten (10) persons will be recruited under the technical education cadre. According to the 44th (st) BCS circular that has been published recently, the Bangladesh Public Service Commission will appoint a total of 2,166 persons under the latest circular. 

Posts Vacant at Administrative Cadre 44th BCS Circular


After the education, more appointments will be made in the administration cadre. 323 people will be appointed in the administration. This is the second cadre under which the second most people will be appointed this year. Applicants can apply for this BCS from 1st December. Most of these BCS cadres will be taken in the education cadre. Among the two thousand and one hundred sixty-six posts, there has bee a total of 905 seats allocated for the BCS education cadre.


The information was released in a circular on the website of the Bangladesh Government Commission (PSC) on Wednesday. The age of the candidate will be calculated from 7th November. Candidates have been asked to apply online by the 4th of January.

44th BCS Admit Card and Seat Plan 2022

The date for the online submission of the registration comes to end a day earlier. So, the admit card is not issued still now. You will get the admit card from here for download when it will be online by the BPSC authority. So, be connected with us so that you can get every information relating to the 44th (st) BCS from here. The examinee will also find their BCS examination Seat Plan from here due to the appropriate time.
