March 10, 2025 HSC Result 2023 Marksheet with Number HSC Result 2023 Marksheet with Number is the government official website for checking HSC and Alim Result for public examinations in Bangladesh. On this, the result of HSC and other public examinations have been published. is the official website of the Bangladesh Education Board. Today, the Bangladesh Education Board has published its Secondary School Certificate (HSC) Examination Result 2023 on its official website. Check the HSC Exam Result 2023 from here. 

[adToAppearHere] result 2023 is the lone official website that is responsible for publishing all kinds of examinations. The site is controlled by the Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards Bangladesh. The Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards Bangladesh is the education unit under the Ministry of Education Bangladesh. This year the Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards Bangladesh has published the result of Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) Examination 2023 and Higher Secondary (HSC) Examination 2023 several months back.


Not only the HSC and HSC Exam Result but this government official website is also known widely for publishing the result of the HSC and Alim Examination Result. Along with the duo examination results, the exam result of HSC Vocational and HSC Vocational of any year is also viewable at This lone government website is also responsible for publishing the Diploma in Commerce and Diploma in Business Studies Examinations. It is the only and one government website you must watch HSC and JDC examination results. HSC Result 2023

Today the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards Bangladesh will publish this year’s Secondary School Certificate (HSC) Examination 2023 Result on its official website. The respective authority will also publish the HSC result 2023 on The result will be available here after 2:00 pm today. So, visit again on our official website to watch your HSC Result 2023. HSC Result 2023 Marksheet with Number


To inform you we would like to give you the information that our respected Education Minister will hand over the HSC Examination 2023 Result to our honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Getting the result in hand, our honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will publish the HSC Result 2023. After her declaration, the hsc result will go online at Anyone then can be able to see anyone’s examination 2023 result following the declaration. On the website, anyone can watch the official result by using one’s roll and registration numbers. HSC marksheet

In addition to the result, students and their guardians can see the complete marksheet of SSC, JDC, HSC, Alim and Diploma examinations from here with number of all subjects in 2023. One can download his or her all examinations’, including HSC and Alim marksheet from here. It is the official education board result website that stores all kinds of information of students. Generally, the students only need to submit their examination name, year, education board, roll number and registration number to see full HSC Result 2023 Marksheet.


psc result 2019

Examination :
Year :
Board :
Roll :
Reg: No :
4 + 5 =




psc result 2019 2

However, here on in the HSC or Alim Result and Marksheet 2023, one will not be able to see the numbers one has gotten in the examination that he has attended. But, the student will be able to see the grade of every subject he has secured in the examination. The grading system has been given below for your kind understanding. Please watch the details grading systems of the Bangladesh Education Board. You will also find your grading systems on the top right corner of your HSC and Alim Result and Marksheet 2023.

HSC and Alim Grading (GPA) System 2023

Many students seem to feel odd while they think of the existing grading system. The HSC or Alim grading system is called the GPA. Basically, GPA stands for Grading Point Average. It is the system that the Education Board uses to determine the number a student earns in his or her examination.


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According to the existing grading system, to get A+ a student has to get 80 or more than 80 marks in his or her HSC or Alim examination. If any student gets a number that is below 33 marks, he will fail in the examination. However, if a student secures 80 or more than 80 marks in all of his subjects in the HSC and Alim Examination then he will get Golden A+ (5.00).

Letter Grade Range of Marks Grade Point
A+ 80-100 5.00
A 70-79 4.00
A- 60-69 3.50
B 50-59 3.00
C 40-49 2.00
D 33-39 1.00
F 00-32 0.00