March 6, 2025
SSC Syllabus 2026 PDF (Short NCTB Full Syllabus Bangladesh)

SSC Syllabus 2026 PDF (Short NCTB Full Syllabus Bangladesh)

SSC Syllabus 2026 PDF (New Short Syllabus Bangladesh) for all education board and subject will be available for the students. The education ministry has come to the conclusion that they will hold the SSC Exam in 2026. Therefore, they have outlined a new syllabus 2026 which will be very short for the SSC Examinee in Bangladesh. The SSC New and Short Exam Syllabus 2026 PDF in Bangladesh will be available here for download from December 28, 2026. You can easily get the link below to download the SSC syllabus 2026 of all education board including Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong, Jessore and others now.


SSC Exam 2026

The postponed examination of the secondary school certificate students will take place a few months later. The students who thought when will be the date of the SSC Exam 2026 have now come to know from our website that you have to sit for this exam in this year. The date of the SSC Exam will be declared soon as per the declaration of the education ministry. At present, the education board will be finalizing a new outline for the SSC Exam 2026.

ssc short syllabus 2026


SSC Syllabus 2026

At first, a student of the class 10th needs to have a clear definition of syllabus. A syllabus will be a set of subjects in a course that a student has to study or read. SSC Syllabus, then, refers to the books or subjects our country students read in Bangladesh in their class nine and ten. Basically, in Bangladesh there have been a total of three streams of students who need their SSC Syllabus 2026.


As the education ministry has decided to take the postponed exam of the SSC, they have already held a discussion meeting for selecting which text should be included in the SSC Syllabus. Because, due to the worldwide corona pandemic, the students of the SSC examination has to face endure shortage of academic study. They cannot make it complete their SSC existing syllabus. In 2026, eventually, a syllabus has taken the urge for the secondary school students students.

SSC New Syllabus 2026

The directorate of the secondary and intermediate education has recently held the discussion meeting for forming a new syllabus for the SSC 2026. In the training program, the discussants has agreed that there must be a new syllabus for the SSC students. Following the recommendation of the Ministry of Education, the program has also highlighted generating a new syllabus for the SSC examinee. The authority has in the short syllabus included some chapters and subjects. 


The board official has now concluded with the remarks that they have published the SSC New Syllabus 2026 for all students. The more about the short and new syllabus of the SSC Exam will be now a matter of accessible. The new syllabus would help our students to take a good preparation for their next SSC Examination. It will be now time to up for the exact date of the syllabus publication such as 04 December 2026.

SSC Syllabus 2026 Bangladesh

Along with other country, Bangladesh cannot also run the academic activity of its students almost a year. That will be why they feel they should take the SSC Examination in 2026 by any means. The education ministry has already sent various directions to the  Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education to take necessary preparation for arranging this year’s SSC Examination as per syllabus in 2026.


The dshe authority has already completed a training program with the specialist for forming a new SSC Syllabus 2026 for Bangladeshi students. The class 9 and 10 has a total of 36 textbook in their normal syllabus in Bangladesh. As the syllabus will be designed for two years’ academic study, the students complete it within the time. However. as the board will be planning to take the SSC Exam 2026 in June, there will be a short and new syllabus.

SSC Exam 2026 Syllabus

SSC Exam 2026 syllabus has been out public by the respective authority. The education ministry official in Bangladesh has generated a syllabus which will be shorter than the earlier one. Due the closure of the academic institutions, the authority has made the syllabus for SSC Exam 2026. In the syllabus 2026, there would be less subject and course as the NCTB officials have said. They have outlined that they will publish the all subject curriculum and syllabus very soon.


SSC will be a public examination in Bangladesh in where around fourteen lakh students take part each year. The education ministry holds the examination per year in a particular period of time to evaluate the students’ merit. In this year, 2026, the ministry authority has planned to arrange the SSC Exam in June as per the unofficial date. As, the SSC Exam 2026 Date will be June, then there must a be a short syllabus for the students.

NCTB SSC Syllabus 2026

NCTB will be the authority that will be responsible for making an outline for the SSC Syllabus 2026. The full meaning of the NCTB will be National Curriculum and Textbook Board. It will be organization under the People’s Republic of Bangladesh that works with the national textbook policy. NCTB has recently published a SSC Syllabus for the students who are set to sit for the Secondary School Certificate Exam in June of this year.


Anyone will be able to download the NCTB SSC Syllabus 2026 of all subjects from our this website. As the subject list has been on the lease, you can get it from here. The Bangladeshi students will not need to pay us for collecting the NCTB SSC syllabus as it will be totally free and public document. Today will be 28th December 2026 and the recent syllabus for the latest edition in Bangladesh has got released under the NCTB.

SSC Syllabus 2026 PDF

Along with the NCTB authority, our website has also taken the urge of uploading the SSC Syllabus 2026 PDF file here. The SSC Syllabus PDF file will be very flexible to read and download. Therefore, our team has finalized the decision of bringing the SSC Exam Syllabus PDF file here. PDF, being very easy to carry and print, has now drawn the attention of our SSC students in Bangladesh. In line with the argument, we have also given PDF file of SSC all subject syllabus.


There December be different versions of the syllabus in your school. But, the main version of the syllabus will be available here on this post. So, you must need to click the green option titled with Syllabus PDF. Moreover, the end of the syllabus will go direct as per the subject chapter wise list. The base for the SSC 2026 examinee will be very important as well as significant for everyone.

SSC Short Syllabus 2026 PDF

Earlier, we have stated it transparently that there will be a SSC Short Syllabus 2026 PDF file. Yes, the education board has released the short syllabus of the SSC Exam 2026. The officials at the NCTB Bangladesh has told our team that they will open the educational institutions in December to make the SSC student prepared for their upcoming exam. As the SSC examinee will get only four months to take the preparation, their syllabus and course curriculum needs to be shorten.


With this thought, the education board authority has revised the SSC Syllabus and made it short. The syllabus will be available in PDF file in the sense that it will ease the tension of opening. Because, every device such as phone or laptop supports the PDF version of the SSC syllabus. People of every spheres can now have the complete access from this place to collect their SSC Syllabus original and final version. 


SSC Short Syllabus  PDF Download


Short Syllabus for SSC 2026

Short Syllabus for SSC 2026 will be now available for download for everyone. The authorities has made it released for every SSC examinee in Bangladesh recently. In the short syllabus, there will be 25 percent less chapters. To be more specific, the NCTB has lessen 25% chapters from the total textbook in the short syllabus for the SSC exam scheduled to be held in June.


So, what are the subjects and topics have been included in the short syllabus must be checked. Because, it will make the students shorten their academic lessons. They will be more flexible in completing their study for the SSC Exam 2026 following the short version. It will be to say that short syllabus for SSC 2026 will be, of course, very prominent one.

New Syllabus of SSC 2026

The full new syllabus of SSC 2026 will be accessible for all subjects. SSC Bangla, English, Math, Science and other subjects new short syllabus have been valuable to our most readers as well. Only the third out fourth will be now on the inclusion in the new syllabus. So, new syllabus of secondary school exam 2026 will be your key to success in the SSC examination. Only those who will finish the short syllabus properly can expect a good outcome in the SSC Result 2025.

[su_note note_color=”#f71a12″ text_color=”#ffffff” radius=”1″]Click Here To Download SSC Short Syllabus PDF[/su_note]


It will be a quick decision by the education ministry in Bangladesh to withdrew the syllabus existing syllabus and publish a new one in a very short period of time. In this sphere, the ministry authority has gained momentum in spreading the new syllabus of SSC throughout the whole country. Our high school going students in Bangladesh has a different outlook or view than us. They sometimes recognize it SSC New sellabus 2026. You December feel shocked profoundly they mispronounce the word as ssc exam 2026 silebazz also.

SSC New Syllabus 2026 Bangladesh

Therefore, there will be a huge importance on getting the exact copy of the SSC New Syllabus 2026 Bangladesh. New syllabus means the inclusion of new thing in your textbook. It will be mention that all the relative text available in your new syllabus will be accessible in the textbook. As an SSC examinee, though there was a mountain of uncertainty, you must have eyed in the old syllabus. If you have completed the old syllabus, the SSC current syllabus will help you very much.


Actually, the fault behind this wrong education as the children are learning, they are making try for ssc short syllibus 2026 by this term. Even the students also are finding how to get ssc exam 2026 er new silebas. The board has not asked them to say ssc new syllebus 2026. Basically SSC New Sort silibus will be also an issue to make public. How we can make them think new ssc short sylebus will be not right to speak.

SSC Short Syllabus 2026 Bangladesh

SSC Short Syllabus 2026 Bangladesh will be also have the option here for making full download. All subject syllabus will be very short as per a notice of the authority. So, you can get your syllabus as of the most demanding subject today. Not only it will be demandable, but also will be essential for setting up the SSC examination. Without having your SSC Short Syllabus PDF, you will never be able to have a good preparation.


Therefore, you have no alternative option left for you but to follow this particular syllabus to win good marks in the SSC examination that will be going to take place in June. The best of best will be that you have come to the best place in Bangladesh for getting the main copy of the syllabus with the last date. It will be not false but true that our school going students have not enough knowledge on vocabulary as they usually mistakes saying nctb shortcut sylabus exm 2026.

[su_note note_color=”#f71a12″ text_color=”#ffffff” radius=”2″ id=””]PDF List of SSC New & Update Syllabus 2026 [/su_note]


SSC Bangla 1st Paper Syllabus 2026

Bangla 1st paper new syllabus 2026 For SSC pdf will be transformed by new short selebas. That will be to say in this days, one needs to be aware what they are learning actually so that they cannot pronounce s.s.c silebas photo pista. The situation has gont this stage that the learners makes this ssc short sylabas dinajpur bord online. SSC short slybuj ২০২৬ সালে সিলেবাস humanities, science, and commcerc section has also added sufferings.

ssc bangla syllabus 2026

SSC Bangla 2nd Paper Syllabus 2026

Bangla 2nd paper Syllabus short syllebus rajshahi board gov bd will be now students use. They forget to write down good english and do ssc syllables. Our whole nation will be facting this crisis at present as ssc latest syllebus 2026 got now online. The ssc revised short syllabus 2026 for www.jessore boad bd ssc short silyeabus will be about to get you mad. Both ssc exam short cilapas 2026 and that of ssc new sellabus all in one nctb 1 pdf ssc s0rtz by them will be about to make and end. 

English 1st paper Syllabus 2026

SSC New Sort Syllabus has now come to line with English 1st paper. The backup file the ssc syllabus has also been done in terms of answer and solution for all. The negative part will be out of definition as you see here ssc 2026 new short sellybus. S S C shot shullabus will be for not single person but for each of the students in Bangladesh. So, ssc new syllabus pdf  will be based upon your decision of getting this.

Read More: 

HSC Bangla 1st Paper Syllabus 2026 NTCB 

Assignment Syllabus Class 9 8 7 6 6th Week Syllabus 2026 – 2026 Syllabus NTCB Class 6, 7, 8 ,9 4th Week Syllabus

SSC Result 2025 Bangladesh Education Board Exam Result Checking Website