March 9, 2025
RU.AC.BD Result 2024 A B C Unit Admission

RU.AC.BD Result 2024 A B C Unit Admission

RU Admission Result for All Units have been published at By vising admission. website, students can check their C Unit result today while A unit results on Thursday. Along with the RU Admission Result 2024, they will also be able to watch the passed or failed statues, obtained marks, shift-wise merit position and the date for submitting subject choice order and interview. So, instead of wasting any more second visit admission result website for find their merit position and watch the waiting list.

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All kinds of result of Rajshahi University can be found at website. By visiting this particular website, one is subject to get faculty wise, medical, and affiliated college results for each adamic sessions. The results of each examination and student have been preserved at result portal. Therefore, if you are searching for Rajshahi University result, you can easily follow ru ac bd portal from here.

Update News: রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে 2023-24 সেশনের স্নাতক প্রথম বর্ষের ভর্তি পরীক্ষার এ, বি, ও সি ইউনিটের ফলাফল প্রকাশিত হয়েছে।

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The admission result for the C and A units have been published on June 5-6, 2024 at the admission website By providing necessary information, one can easily check the RU A and C unit admission test result from here. The name and roll of the candidates have already been enlisted at admission results website by the Information and Communication Center of Rajshahi University. Therefore, it is the time for checking the result of the A, B, and C Unit admission tests along with the notice for 1st merit and waiting list.



Basically, admission. is the primary website for online application and watching the results of the entrance tests in 2024. Students must visit website if they want to find their C and A unit exam results. Except this portal, there are no place online that can help in getting the PDF file of the RU admission result 2024. Hence, follow the admission website for download all unit results of the 1st year admission tests.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank”]RU C Unit Admission Result Link[/su_button]

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The candidates can also make admission login to watch the statues for their outcome. In order to student login result, they will have provide the roll numbers, board name and the year of the exam names. Once you log in at, there will be options for you to select the specified units. On the dashboard of admission. 2024, the name of the candidates and their results are displayed with image.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank”]Click Here To Admission Login[/su_button]
