The Rajshah University administration has also unveiled its B Unit Admission Test Result 2022 today for the commerce group candidates. RU vice chancellor Professor Golam Sabbir Sattar has unearthed the B unit result today night at his office. The pass rate in the RU B Unit Admission Result about 41 percent. Under the academic sessions 2021-2022, a sum of 33,685 candidates vied in the tests against 560 seats. Now, go for result checking at the Rajshahi university undergraduate admission portal So, start watching the Rajshahi University Admission Result B Unit 2022 along Merit List and Interview Notice.
Rajshahi University B Unit Result 2022
Rajshahi University B Unit Result 2022 has been published followed by a day-long admission test held last week. The highest mark a candidate has obtained in the B-unit exam is 85.90, says a press release on Tuesday night. It can be easily said that the candidates who will be able to secure marks between 75-85 will get the chance to enroll them in a subject under business studies faculty of Rajshahi University.
The RU B Unit Result 2022 includes the name and roll of the admission seekers who have applied and sat for the entrance examination on July 27. By using the admission roll number, the result statues along with the date for the interview has also been placed on the website. Therefore, it is easy for one to know the necessary information for every step in regards of Rajshahi University B Unit Result 2022.
Update News: রাজশাহী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ২০২১-২২ সেশনের স্নাতক প্রথম বর্ষের ভর্তি পরীক্ষার রাবি বি ইউনিটের রেজাল্ট প্রকাশিত হয়েছে। এই ইউনিটে গড় পাশের হার ৪০ দশমিক ৯৩ শতাংশ।
Rajshahi University Admission Result B Unit
The B unit applicants can also wait for a few minutes if since the Rajshahi University Admission Result server is very busy. Since the admission result of RU A, B and C units has been published in a single day, the server goes down due heavy pressure. Therefore, the candidates will have to continue their attempt for watching their Rajshahi University Admission Result B Unit 2022.
So, notice this section for being able to get the B unit result online very easily. At first restart your computer and connect to the internet. Then, visit website where you will find the result option at the right side of your browser. Then, select the B-unit and write down the Rajshahi University Admission Roll no before hitting on the Submit button. After a few seconds, the B-unit result will be visible in your browser’s display where one will be able to see the obtained marks, merit position, and viva voce statues.
RU B Unit Result Merit List
A fresh merit list for the RU B Unit Result has also been attached along with the admission notice. In the notice, Rajshahi University Business Studies Faculty authority has issued the identity of the candidates who have passed in the Released Result. It is very clear that those who are now in the top of the merit list will have the most possibility of getting a good subject in the B unit.
By getting more marks, one can choose the best subject from a faculty. Therefore, find out how many marks you have got in the Rajshahi University B unit Result 2022. It is the result which will define your merit position and select which department are about to get.
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