March 9, 2025
Rajshahi University Result 2024 – A, B, C Unit Admission

Rajshahi University Result 2024 – A, B, C Unit Admission

The respective authorities has taken their excellency in publishing Rajshahi University Admission Result 2024 for A B C Unit. Following the publication of the results, the applicants can check the RU Admission Result 2023-24 from the university admission website In the first phase, RU B-unit Admission Result has been published today for the commerce group aspirants. The aspirants can also know the A and C unit result on time as they are also released within a very short period of time.


Along with the results, 1st merit and waiting serial has also been uploaded on the Rajshahi University Admission Website for every single unit. By administering the roll no, anyone will be able to check whether he or she have passed in the admission tests or not. The notice relating viva voce examination is also uploaded for the A, B, and C units.

RU Admission Result 2023-24


The Rajshahi University Admission Result 2024 B Unit has been published by the respective authority for the Commerce group students. The result of the A and C units is also to be published within a very short period of time. According the Rajshahi University registrar office, about 44 candidates will vie for each of 4,641 seats under three units as 1,78,268 candidates from across the country have applied for the admission tests.


RU vice chancellor Professor Golam Sabbir Sattar said that they had already taken all kinds of necessary preparations to publish the admission test results in a peaceful and fair manner. If a student can secure more than 40 marks in the admission result, he will pass and will be placed in the merit list.

How to get the Rajshahi University Admission Result?

The applicants can get the Rajshahi University Admission Result 2023-24 from the website mainly developed for the 1st year entrance at They can get the A, B, can C Unit Admission Test Result using their provided Roll Number from that portal. Here we have described the instructions necessary for watching your Result in an easy way.

  1. Type on your mobile or laptop’s on the search bar of the browser.
  2. Find the Result Option and make a single click on it.
  3. Now, Select A, B, or C Unit from the drop-down list.
  4. Write Down your Admission Roll Number
  5. Click on the Submit Button.


Rajshahi University Result

Rashahi University Admission Result A Unit for the Arts, Social Science and Law faculties has been hung on the notice board of the dean offices. The Admission Result for the C Unit under the Faculty of Science has also been released online at the university official website. The aspirants who have managed to secure the pass marks in the entrance tests need to fill the online subject choice form online with the scheduled time. Despite having the pass marks, the admission of the selected candidates will also be cancelled if they cannot complete the subject choice order on time for the C-Unit.


The authorities have recently made the Rajshahi University Result 2024 available for online download. By using the admission credential, the candidates who have sat for the entrance tests on March 5-7, 2024 can now check the results from here. Along with the admission result, the first merit and waiting list in PDF format from this website. The result of the B, A and C units admission result follow up notice and instructions for our readers.



A Unit B Unit C Unit
A Unit Merit List B unit Merit List C Unit Merit List
A Unit Waiting Lis B Unit Waiting Lis C Unit Waiting List

Rajshahi University A-Unit Admission Result

The Rajshahi University A-Unit Admission Result 2024 for the arts, law and social science faculties has been published by the authorities. They have come out with the Rajshahi University Admission Result A Unit on the second week of March 2024. The result of the B unit will also be released on the following days in 2024. On the other hand, the C-unit Admission Test Result is also set to be published online in the same week. In the published notice, there will be direction and schedule for the interview. The students who have passed in the RU A Unit admission tests will have to fill up the Subject Choice Form to select the order. Following that, the final result for the RU A unit merit list will be fixed this year.


The A-Unit Admission Test at Rajshahi University took place on 6 March 2024. This year a total of 67,267 candidates have competed against 1,902 seats in the A (humanities group) unit. More than 35 candidates are competing for a seat under the Rajshahi University A Unit as per the published result under 2023-2024 academic sessions.

[su_note note_color=”#000000″ text_color=”#ffffff” radius=”0″]Unit A[/su_note]

  • 1st Merit and 1st Waiting Notice (22 Departments)
  • 1st Merit List (22 Departments and WQ)
  • 1st Waiting List (22 Departments and WQ)

RU B Unit Admission Result

Rajshahi University B Unit Admission Result 2024 has also been placed on the admission website for online checking. The entrance tests for the B unit is held on March 7, 2024 while the result is scheduled to come out in the 2nd week of March. Following the out of the results, the selected candidates will have to complete the subject choice form in accordance to the merit list. 


This year, a total of 38,621 applicants have sat against for 560 seats in B (Commerce group) unit admission test at Rajshahi University. As per the information provided by the RU registrar office, this year about 70 students will vie for a seat in the B unit which is for the commerce background learners. So, one should always focus on how to check the RU B Unit Admission Test Result 2024 at

RU C Unit Admission Result

Rajshahi University C Unit Admission Result is also set for release on the first half of March 2024. Earlier, C Unit Admission Test took place on 5 March 2024 at the university campus. The attendance rate in the entrance tests was around 90 percent. A total of 71,410 applicants sat for exam against 1,558 seats in C unit. RU C Unit comprises of science, engineering, and life and agricultural faculties.


The subject Allotment Result for C unit will be published later once the students who have been placed in the 1st merit list have completed the Subject choice form online on due date. Now, the learners can check the Rajshahi University C Unit Result 2024 from the official website for admission by inputting their examination roll no. The full and final RU C Unit Result 2024 pdf for the Science Group is about to be released within a very short period of time.