The authority of the Bangladesh Bankers Association has declared the viva voce exam date for the recruitment for Executive Officer at Prabasi Kallyan Bank today on 29 January 2020. The viva-voce for the Prabasi Kallyan Bank Executive Officer post will kick-off on 13 February 2020. The ten days long viva voce will run until 23 February 2020. A total of one hundred and eight (108) candidates have been called for the viva voce exam. So, check your roll-wise viva voce exam date for the Prabasi Kallyan Bank Executive Officer Recruitment 2020.
Prabasi Kallyan Bank Viva Date 2020
Iis Prabasi Kallyan Bank that is a state-run bank in Bangladesh that works for only Bangladeshi nationalists who are staying outside of the country for various purposes. The Bangladesh Bankers selection committee has made this circular circulated in 2019, and now is going to hold its final step. They have published the roll on the candidates who have passed in the written examination for the executive officer (general) post. You need to check it from here if you are one of those who have crossed the written exam.
The words I have stated in previous paragraphs are the same as that of these paragraphs. The determination advisory group of Bangladesh Bank has made this roundabout circled in 2019, and now is going to hold its last advance. They have distributed the move on the applicants who have gone in the composed assessment for the official (general) post. As a candidate, you have to check it from here on the off chance that you are one of the individuals who have crossed the composed test.
Prabasi Kallyan Bank Viva Date Executive Officer (General)
The recent notice says that the authority will not issue any interview card individually for the viva examination. However, they say that the candidate can use the written examination admit card for the viva examination The exam should be accompanied by a passport. Candidates must complete oral examination for the first 5 hours of commencement of the oral examination. It is a must that the job seekers have to report earlier.
Any reason for delayed reporting will not be acceptable to the authority. The terms of recruitment notice to the candidates and
In support of the information mentioned in their online application, a set of verifiable photocopies of the proof-of-concept documents described below are arranged orally. The exam must be submitted to the BSCS’s checking board immediately before the examination and should display the following conclusions.
Prabasi Kallyan Bank Viva Voce Schedule 2020
Special Note: A) BSCS reserves the right to amend any of the published results for any reason. B) any contact with the candidate at any stage of the recruitment process due to incomplete/incorrect information/documents submitted by the candidate. BSCS reserves the right to cancel candidacy without communication.
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7 Combined Bank Circular 2020 | BB Bangladesh Bank New Job Officer (General) Circular
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