March 10, 2025
Honours 1st Year Result 2023 –

Honours 1st Year Result 2023 –

The National University authority is about to publish its NU honours 1st year exam result 2023 under sessions 2020-21. Following the publication of the results, the 1st year students will be able to check the result from the nu official websites in a very flexible way. When the National University authority will make the result published online, one will have the key to watch NU honours 1st year result 2023 with marksheet This year the pass rate in the National University first Year Exam is to be more than 69.20 percent. So, check here for the notice and result related information of the NU 1st year exam result 2023 along with marksheet.  


NU Result 1st Year

The respective authority of the National University has in previous notification declared on the issue of the NU Result 1st year 2023.  It takes the fact that the Honors first year exam result 2023 is for customary and unpredictable understudies for session 2021-2023. The NU result of the sessions will declare today at any time at and National University Honours NU first year exam result 2023 is also available here on our likewise accessible website.


However, the question on which date the then National University honours 1st year result will be declared is now our topic for today. We will give you about the possible date of the first year result publication this year before all. You know that the 03 of January is Friday and it is a day of vacation. So, no result can be made on the day of vacation as all the officials of the National university go for their house on the day. They do not do their offices on the day.

Honours 1st Year Result 2023

If you are searching for the national university honours first year exam result under the academic sessions 2020-21, now time for celebrating the outcome. It is the day when you will watch your one year’s outcome in the result mark sheet to get what you want more from them. The result of the NU 1st year honours exam result has been made published after the approval of the syndicate and academic council.


This year a total of 4, 72, 122 students have taken part in the NU 1st year exam for 31 courses. The exam of the year has taken place at 294 centers of 484 collages, the notice reads. The students under the course development exam are also huge this year. A total of 1,48,490 students sat for the course development examination under the NU 1st year exam this year. The student will able to check their results online and SMS after 7:00 pm.

NU Honours 1st Year Result 2019-20

It is clear that the result of the nu honours 1st year examination 2019-20 has published this year on the fixed date. Presently, the students are hanging tight for NU Honors 1st year exam result date. For the most part, the authority of the National University result distribution will follow the processes in the upcoming days. Finishing the processes, this year’s result will distribute rapidly. In the wake of distributing this outcome, the students will force themselves in the enlistment for the next education year.


Due to the event, any understudy bombed in any subject. And not it matters but they ought to be strained for this. Since the students are to go to that paper/subject for the particular year with the new timetable. Along these lines, don’t stress understudies, you will realize your outcome inside a brief time about the honours 1st year result 2023. The authority can make the honours 1st year result on Saturday date as it is not a date for vacation. So, the possible date for the result date is 20 March 2023.

NU 1st Year Exam Result 

Respects Exam 2023 for the NU honours 1st year took place in 2023 making an end on 25th November this year also. The main authority of the National Univeristy has alerted the students that they can come in front of them with the result in January by 2023. Functional tests took place on the subsequent to finishing the hypothetical test. The exact idea of praises for the first year result may be online on the first day of A.


The understudies taking part in the yearly final exam of the 1st year will be able to check the result by versatile content or web-based interface. For that point when the exam result will be online, two media serve the processes for the best findings and for the gigantic traffic. Not complying with the fact that the NU Honours result will distribute at 4:00 pm by the versatile system and the passed understudies can check results online after evening.

Check Honours 1st Year Result Online

With the fact of knowing the Honours first -Year result online, the proceedings are a must to follow for the students. From the earliest starting point Click on Honors Tab by then Click on the first Year. In the wake of Clicking on the first -year Tab, a structure will appear with 3 boxes Like “Move/Registration. No”, “Test Year”, “Captcha Code” and Search Result.

Honours 1st Year Result 2022


But, they could not meet their earlier declaration on the specific date relating the publication of the NU honours 1st year result for the 2018-19 academic sessions

NU 1st Year Result By SMS

To get NU Honors first year exam result 2023 by versatile SMS, you need to repair messages from any portable administrator in the wake of distributing results. To start with, go to versatile message choice and type-


FOR AN EXAMPLE-NU H1 123456 >>16222

Presently, examinees are sitting tight for NU Honors 1st year exam result 2023. For the most part, the National University result would distribute the following 5 or half-year finishing the test. Be that as it may, this year, the result will distribute rapidly. In the wake of distributing this outcome, they will enlistment for the first year. In the event that any understudy flopped in any subject, he/she ought not to be strained for this. Since he/she will go to that paper/subject one year from now with the new timetable

Bachelor Degree (Honours) first Year
 Individual Result  Collegewise Result
Exam. Roll:
Exam. Year:

Click here to refresh



In this way, don’t stress understudies, you will realize your outcome inside a brief time. As it was earlier declared by the NU authority that they will come up with the National University Hons 1st year result hereby on the date when it will click on 22 February 2023. result

Numerous examinees were to go focuses on the National University NU honours 1st year exam result 2023 for standard and unpredictably from around 415 schools at result. Prior to this, understudies topped off their structure from first April 2023 without late charge and to first February 2023 with past due to charge. This entire application process occurred on the web.


The tests were held at 9.00 am. There are a few tests date was changed for some political reason. That would hold after. the first result was suspended multiple times for Strike, and examinees were such a great amount of uncertainty for their result at result website for the 1st year honours coruses. A commonsense test was held after the hypothetical tests. This year numerous standard and sporadic examinees were going to in the Honors 1st Year Exam result 2023.

national university result 2023

This is the website that goes with the line of the The nu is the short form of the National University while ac is for academic and bd stands for Bangladesh. You can see that the words results have been pluralized here as on the parameter all kinds of nu results including honours 1st year result has been published. If you are one of them, who are searching for their honours fisrt year examination result of 2023 academic sessions, then you can enter our topics with us.


As declared by the national university authority they will not be able to publish their results of the honours first year examination before the clock hits at 7:00 pm. So, an NU student can do only wait for his or her honours 1st year result till then. Therefore, as a student of the National Univesity under the academic year of 2020-21, please hold your nerve till the evening. You will be able to know your result after the evening emerges. Due to the course over the years, the National university should increase the eligibility of its site.

Click here to visit the NU Official Website

The long-waited NU Honours Result 2023 of 1st Year has been published in a few minutes ago. With the aim of helping you in getting your NU Honours first Year Result 2023, we have here come to draw your kind attention for National University 1st Year result 2023. I think most of you have no knowledge when the NU honours 1st year result 2023 will be published by the National University or NU authority. In order to assist you in getting your most expected NU result 2023, National University Exam result, we have come up before you with this full-fledged article about nu honours first year result 2023.

Jatiya Bishwabidyalay 1st Year Result

It is known to everyone including you that the authority of National University Bangladesh, known as Jatiya Bishwabidyalay in Bengali, is responsible and usually publishes all NU results. This year they have also published your long-waited Jatiya Bishwabidyalay Honours 1st Year result today at their official website

However, in most cases, most students, who sat for NU honors 1st Year examination under 2020-2021 academic sessions, become failed to get their results on the National University Official Website.

NU First Year Consolidated Result 2023

Furthermore, the National University official website remains too busy to load, and even unresponsive in most of the cases, as many people attempt to enter the official website at once. The NU First Year Consolidated Result 2023 will be available a few days later. Sometimes the homepage of the NU official website appears blank and it said that they could find the information on the website.

Sometimes they also said that they could not reach the official website of National University and ask the user to search in google for an alternative method of getting NU result. So, you should wait for a while for finding out your 1st year examination result.

NU first Year Result 2023

It also says that the National University of Bangladesh official website is taking too long to respond due to its server problem. I am sure that you have already faced this problem when you went to see your result on NU official website and tried several times but could not find a solution.

I will say the words to you, “Don’t worry.” Here is the solution to your problems. Here we have collected NU 1st Year result from the NU authority and have published here the results today for the sake of assisting you.

NU Honours 4th Year Result result 2023

We have also provided here some alternative methods of getting NU first Year Result 2023. By using any of these alternative methods, you can easily get your published results on our website.

We have stated here clearly all the methods, proceedings, alternatives, instructions, guidelines and other information that will be required by you if you want to see your National University first Year Result 2023.

National University Honours 1st Year Result 

It must be the case that you know the information well that the NU 1st Year examination under 2014-2015 academic sessions was taken place at the beginning of the current year of 2023.

Several thousand students from all colleges, who are under the supervision of the national university, sat for the NU first Year Examination 2023. result 2023 1st Year

As the examinations were held at every college together, the result of all collages is also published at once. Today,  the NU authority arranged a press conference at the NU main office at NU main campus in Gazipur, Dhaka, to announce this year’s NU 1st Year result 2023.

NU vice-chancellor and other higher officials addressed at the press conference where a number of journalists were also present to cover the press conference about result 2023 1st Year. I firmly believe that you are aware of the information that the NU authority always endeavors to publish any result within 12 weeks since the date of publishing the 1st year result at result 2023 portal.

As this year the examination for NU honours first year was held in May and June, 2023, the NU 1st Year result has been published today, 22 September 2023. I expect the publication of the result in no time and I can assure you this.

nu honours 1st year result

While addressing the press conference, NU vice-chancellor reads out the NU 1st Year result in front of media and the NU officials today noon. The published result by the NU authority demonstrates that the first -first of the examinee who took part in NU 1st Year Examination in 2023 has passed. 2023

The results also demonstrate that around 24% of students have become failed to secure pass marks in the examination. The NU fail rate is higher than that of the previous year, according to the results. The NU vice-chancellor also declared that the NU 1st Year result will be published on their official website today at 2:00 pm. To see Jatiya Bishwabiddalay Honours result, follow the below-described instructions and guidelines.

The first method to show your NU 1st Year is described here step by step:

NU Result Via SMS services

As the server of the National University of Bangladesh went down and it is not responding to the users, SMS services are the best option I think to get your NU 1st Year result 2023. Seeing NU results 2023 is the top priority because of the immobile situation of the National University Official server. To see NU result 2023, follow the instructions as stated below:

  1. At first , you have to go to the message option on your mobile phone
  2. Then type NU<Space> H3 <Space> Roll Number
  3. After typing it send it 16222

It will charge Tk 1.25 from your mobile account balance, but you will get the result in the easiest way.

nu 1st year result

See how the easy to get your honours result through SMS services. You do not have to search for the result the whole night. Neither have you to wait all along to know when the National University Server will start responding.  

Download PDF of NU 1st Year Result

The first process of getting your most desired nu 1st year result is downloading the PDF file from here. In the PDF file, you can see your expected National University result 2023 in the most easy way. As PDF is a portable file, you can also download and share it with your friends and relatives, so that they can get their national university result within the shortest period of time. To download your National University result, click on the Download button here.

first ly, you have to go to the NU official website to see your most-desired result. After you have entered the NU Official website result, you will find a page similar to the picture provided below:

Then you can see several options such as Search, Degree, Honours, Masters, Professional, On Campus, and Rescrutiny. You will see + sign at the beginning of each of the options. Click on the option you want to see such as click on the Honours option. Once you have clicked on the Honours option, you will see these options: 1st Year, 1st Year, 1st Year, 1st Year, Consolidated, Result. Select any of the options. If you want to see your 1st Year result, then click on the 1st Year result option. Clicking on the option you will find a page shown below in the picture:

nu honours 1st year cgpa result

There will be blank space on the appeared page where you have to write down some information that has been asked to fill in. You can collect the result in two categories: one is of individual category and the other is the collage-wise category. To get individual result, follow the instructions:


1. Write down your Roll or Registration No

2. Write down the exam year

3. Write down the code shown above

4. Click on the search result option

Then you will find your NU honours 1st Year result. Result 2019

Where to See NU Result 2023?

There is no specific date are reporting from the authority of the National University of Bangladesh. We can expect that NU lauds first -year result session 2014-15 will be streamed on the latest week of September. You can visit the alliance result 2023 for the result or you can in like manner visit the official site of National University. In like manner, you can check our site reliably for reestablished information.

Regards first -year test was started on seventh April 2023 and the test was done on 21st May 2023. This year, more than 1 Lac 35 Thousand of understudies are sharing in the division’s first -year test. The assessment is held at 140 focal motivations behind 205 Colleges in all over Bangladesh. Consequently, it is a titanic task for the National University of Bangladesh to keep up the activities.

nu result notice 2023

How to Find NU Honors first Year result 2023?

There are two standard procedures open for divisions the first year conceded consequence of 2023. They are staggeringly trusted and the execution methodology is critical and fundamental. The two approaches are Internet and Mobile SMS. As such, it is possible to check and download the abilities first -year result using these systems. Here, we look at the two philosophies a minor piece without a moment’s delay in underneath.

nu result by sms 2023

Through Mobile SMS, by and by you can see the differentiations first -year eventual outcome of 2023. In case you have any sort of wireless as a PDA or feature phone, you can apply the procedure. The SMS methodology is the least mind-boggling and most accessible procedure to get results. The understudy will accumulate his results by sending a lone SMS to 16222. There is a specific SMS setup to check the differentiations first -year result. Here, we give the SMS course of action a tiny bit at a time in underneath.