ACC Seat Plan 2020: The Anti-Corruption Authority has published Dudok ACC AD Computer (Theoretical) Written Exam Seat Plan 2020 for the Assistant Director (AD) examination today on 10 March 2020. This year, a total of 92954 (ninety-two thousand and nine hundred fifty-four) candidates took part in the ACC Assistant Director (AD) preliminary MCQ examination. 2482 candidates have passed in the MCQ exam and have been selected for the ACC Dudok Assistant Director Computer (Theoretical) Written Exam.
ACC Seat Plan 2020
The one hour long Computer (Theoretical) Written test for the ACC Dudok Assistant Director AD post will take place on 06 March 2020. On the day the exam will start in the morning as well as finishing it within on four hours. The Dudok exam for both posts will start at one centers at 08:30 am. The Computer (Theoretical) Written exam for the primary test will run for 4 hour. ACC Dudok Exam will conclude at 12:30 am. The marks for the Computer (Theoretical) Written will be (one hundred). There will be a total of one hundred questions in the preliminary test.
It is clear that the one-hour Computer (Theoretical) Written examination will take place on 04 March 2020 for the ACC Dudok assistant director job circular. The preliminary examination starts in the middle of the day just as it finishes in an hour. At 10:00 am, the Dudok test for both jobs will begin. The check for Computer (Theoretical) Written will last 60 minutes for the critical examination. Around 11:00 am, the ACC Dudok Exam will be finished. The Computer (Theoretical) Written questions will bear 100 marks. A minimum of 100 inquiries will be rendered in the initial test.
Dudok Job Circular 2020 | ACC – Anti Corruption Commission Online Application
ACC Assistant Director AD Seat Plan 2020
The online submission of the online application for the Dudok Assistant director and court inspector posts started on 20 November in the previous year. The online processes for submitting the job application online come to a conclusion on 19 December 2020. The anti-corruption authority has allowed the candidates to apply for the posts within one month since the publication of the job circular. However, while publishing this government job circular, they did not mention on the date they are going to take place Dudok Exam 2020.
ACC provides the online application for the Dudok appointee collaborator chief and court monitor posts on 20 November. In the earlier year, the procedures which are an online method for presenting the employment form online reach a resolution on 19 December. The counter defilement authority has enabled the possibility to apply for the posts inside one month since the distribution of the activity roundabout. In any case, while distributing this administration work roundabout, they didn’t specify on the date they are going to happen Dudok Exam 2020.
Dudok Computer (Theoretical) Written Exam Seat Plan 2020
It leaves no doubt that knowing of seat plan is a must for any public examination. When you are going for a government job examination especially ACC Dudok Job, you must find out your exam seat plan. As the Dudok AD Computer (Theoretical) Written Exam Seat Plan 2020 is available online, the seat plan also is available now. Along with the Seat Plan, the respective authority has also made the ACC Exam Seat Plan for the Assistant director (AD) and court inspector jobs online.
So, in the same notice, you will find both information relating to the ACC Dudok Seat Plan and Seat Plan. Most likely knowing about seat plan is an unquestionable requirement for any open assessment. At the point when you are going for an administration work assessment particularly ACC Dudok Job, you should discover your test seat plan. As the Dudok Seat Plan 2020 is accessible on the web, the seat plan additionally is accessible at this point.
ACC Computer (Theoretical) Written Exam Seat Plan 2020
As the Seat Plan has already been disclosed by the authority, you are about to download the ACC Dudok Exam Admit Card for the test. In order to take part in the Computer (Theoretical) Written test of the Dudok Seat Plan 2020, you have to download the ACC admit card. So, you will find two separate options for download the admit card of the anti-corruption commission today. Follow the given link to download your ACC Dudok Exam Seat Plan and Admit Card 2020.
ACC Dudok AD Computer (Theoretical) Written Exam Seat Plan 2020 PDF
Anti-Corruption Commission AD Exam Seat Plan
The given information portrays that this year a total of 91009 candidates apply for 156 (one hundred and fifty-six) posts. Watch here detail information about the ACC Dudok Seat Plan 2020 Assistant Director AD & Court Inspector posts.
Alongside the test date, the individual authority has additionally made the ACC Exam Seat Plan for the delegate associate chief (AD) and court reviewer occupations on the web. In this way, in a similar notification, you will discover both data relating to the ACC Dudok Seat Plan and Seat Plan.
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ACC Admit Card Download 2020 | Dudok Assistant Director AD Exam Seat Plan
Dudok Job Circular 2020 | ACC – Anti Corruption Commission Online Application
ACC Seat Plan 2020 : Dudok Seat Plan AD Assistant Director Exam