January 25, 2025
DNC Sepoy Admit Card 2020 Download- dnc.teletalk. com.bd

DNC Sepoy Admit Card 2020 Download- dnc.teletalk. com.bd

Download your DNC Sepoy Admit Card 2020 for the Department of Narcotics Control Job in Bangladesh. The Madok Drobbo Odhidhoptor has recently issued the admit card for the DNC Job Circular 2020 at dnc.teletalk. com.bd admit card. The candidates who have applied for the DNC job for below posts- Office Sohayok, Assistant Prosecutor  and Solider (Sepoy) – now can download the admit card from here. The exam date and seat place of the DNC job has also been announced yesterday. Check now DNC admit card and exam related information from here.


DNC Exam Date 2020 Notice

Recently, the Narcotics Control Department, that many call as Madok Drobbo Niyontron Odhidoptor, has asked its candidate to download admit card for taking part in the DNC job examination in 2020. The exam date for the DNC job has also been issued yesterday by the respective authority. Earlier, the DNC authority request the DNC human resource department urging to issue the admit and exam date for its the past job circular got published in March 2020.

dnc exam date 2020 sepoy

Following the request of the deputy director, the core authority of the Department of Narcotics Control has now made the admit card available online for download. Here is the notice for the DNC admit card download is available. Read the full notice of the DNC administration and get what you desire of wanting from the DNC admit card download notice.

DNC Sepoy Admit Card 2020

The Madok Odhidoptor has issued the admit card for taking part in the physical test for the DNC assistant prosecutor job circular 2020. As per the DNC notice, the DNC assistant prosecutor exam date is 08 October 2020. The assistant prosecutor post will be held in Dhaka on 08 October 2020. For taking part in the DNC assistant prosecutor physical test, each of the candidates who made application with the madok drobbo niyontron odhidoptor has to download the admit card in 2020.

Assistant Prosecutor Admit Card Download


Therefore, start for downloading the DNC admit card from here. You can as well get your DNC applicant copy with your exam location here with the following instructions. In the DNC admit card, the department of narcotics control has also directed several instructions to the job candidates. From here you can download your admit card for the DNC assistant prosecutor job here very easily. 

dcc.teletalk. com.bd admit card download

Our beloved DNC job applicants can have the download as the deputy director indicated from its website www.dnc.teletalk. com.bd admit card in 2020. For download the DNC admit card from the dncc.teletalk. com.bd admit card, the department of narcotics control job applicants will need their user ID and passwords send by the dnc authority. For the recheck of the DNC user ID and password, you need to download your applicant copy.

dnc admit card download


Along with downgliding your DNC applicant copy, you also need to the message that you got when you applied of the DNC job for the download of the admit card in this year. On your message, you will see an ID and a password that has to input here. Download your dnc.teletalk.com.bd admit card in 2020 with a very easy step. There will be also the direct link for the department of narcotics control admit card download.

http //dnc.teletalk.com.bd admit card

The job applicants can also get their admit card in 2020 from http //dnc.teletalk.com.bd portal. http //dnc.teletalk.com.bd admit card is the official website for downloading admit card and applicant copy of the Madok Drobbo Odhidoptor. The website also serves the purpose of online application for the DNC recruitment in 2020. So, you need to click the below direct link for going to the DNC official website for the admit card.

dnc admit card download

User ID: Password:

Reset  Submit


In conclusion, we would like to inform our readers that you have come to right place for download your admit card of the DNC examination. We would later update the DNC question solution and exam result on the date when the examination will take place. From then, you be well and make sure that your are visiting our education and job relate website in a regular basis. Thanks!

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