March 10, 2025
43th BCS Written Result 2023 PDF Download

43th BCS Written Result 2023 PDF Download

43th BCS Written Result 2023 has been published by the Public Service Commission today. Get 43th BCS Written Result 2023 for the all cadres from here as it is available online for pdf download. The Public Service Commission (PSC) has recommended the recruitment of 2,520 in the latest bpsc result. The recommendation was approved at a special meeting of the commission on Thursday. The 43th BCS Written Result has already been published by the BPSC authority. Detailed 43th BCS Written Result 2021 PDF Download is now available on the PSC website and on our website also.


43th BCS Result 2023

A responsible official of PSC told Ittefaq that the recommendation for recruitment of 2,000 doctors as cadre has been received from the waiting list of the 43th BCS Written Result. Their appointment as Assistant Surgeons in the Health Cadre has been recommended. Five thousand 54 nurses have been recommended for recruitment from the waiting list for the 2018 Senior Staff Nurse Recruitment Examination. 


After receiving the demand letter for the recruitment of 6,000 nurses last Sunday, the PSC got the demand for the recruitment of 2,000 doctors last Monday. In response to the demand letter from the government, the constitutional body has started the activities of the cadre and non-cadre examination branches of the Public Service Commission from last Monday. Find out the 43th BCS Written Result for the Nurse and Doctor in PDF file.

43th BCS Written Result Notice

The chairman, members and concerned officers-staff of the commission in Corona Risk have held regular offices to prepare the results. Last Tuesday, the PSC called an emergency meeting and canceled the list of 574 recommended candidates for non-cadre posts from the 43th BCS. Recommended in non-cadre, he joined the cadre this time. The demanding letter was sent to PSC from Health subject to the approval of the Prime Minister.


Following the spread of the coronavirus, hospitals are struggling to provide medical care to those affected by the crisis. Doctors have been the most affected so far. Several doctors had to go to the quarantine. At a regular briefing at the health department on Thursday, Health Minister Zahid Malek said 2,000 new doctors and 6,000 nurses would be recruited to deal with the situation. Here is the 43th BCS Written Result 2023 Notice.

43th BCS Written Exam Result 2023 PDF 

The government hopes that the recruitment of new doctors and nurses will speed up the tackling of the coronavirus crisis. A responsible official of the health ministry told Ittefaq that it was unthinkable that the PSC would be able to finalize the recommendation for recruitment of doctors and nurses in a short period of time. We are grateful to the concerned people of PSC for extending their hand of cooperation to the government at a fast pace.

43 BCS Written Result 2023 -


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From there, the PSC recommended the appointment of 5054 Nurse as per the Result in 2023. Last November, the Ministry of Public Administration issued an order appointing 4,43th3 of them to the health cadre. The rest were on the waiting list. From that list, on February 12 this year, it was recommended to appoint those 535 doctors as medical officers in the Department of Family Planning Welfare.

43 BSC Result PDF Download

Besides, 29 more people were recommended for appointment in other departments. The government canceled the recruitment of 574 non-cadre recommended PSCs in the wake of the decision to recruit 2,000 new doctors. On the other hand, PSC has issued a notification in 2017 for the recruitment of 4,000-second class 10th class senior staff nurses and 600 midwives under the services department under the about the recruitment of doctors and nurses, BPSC chairman Mohammad Sadiq told Ittefaq,


“Corona is not only national, it has created a global crisis. Recruitment has been recommended as soon as possible after receiving a demand for the recruitment of doctors and nurses from the government. The commission has worked tirelessly for this. The nation will benefit from the ongoing crisis if doctors and nurses. Download Result PDF under 43 BCS Exam 2023