Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics BBS Written Exam Result 2020 has been published. The results of the candidates selected in the written test for the post of BBS Statistical Assistant, Computer Typographer, Data Entry, Control Operator post has been published today 05 February 2020. The BBS Divisional Selection Committee-1 (Binic-1) has published the rolls of the selected candidates for the written examination result of 17 January 2020. If you have sat for the written examination under the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, you can watch your BBS Written Exam Result 2020 from here.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics BBS Written Exam Result 2020
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics BBS Written Exam Result 2020
The authority has published a list of a large number of candidates who have been selected in the written test. As per the written test result, the BBS authority has made the publication of the result of the examination this year. You know that there are five posts under which the BBS written examination took place this year. As known by everyone, you are aware that the written examination for the 5 posts at this government offices held on 03 January 2020 and 11 January 2020.
এখানে বিবিস লিখিত পরীক্ষার রেজাল্ট দেখুন
So, the result for the written exam has been made published today by the BBS authority. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics authority has distributed a rundown of an enormous number of competitors who have been chosen in the composed test. According to the composed test outcome, the BBS authority has made the distribution of the consequence of the assessment this year.
BBS Statistical Assistant Written Exam Result 2020 Computer Data Entry Operator
You realize that there are five posts under which the BBS composed assessment occurred for the current year. As known by everybody, you know that the composed assessment for the 5 posts at this administration workplaces hung on 03 January 2020 and 11 January 2020. Along these lines, the outcome for the composed test has been made distributed today by the BBS authority.
Earlier, the result for the Statistical Investigator, Police Statistician, Junior Statistics Assistant, Technical Operator, and Junior Operator, recommended by BBS Divisional Selection Committee-1 has been published today on 28 January 2020. You know that the number of the people BBS will appoint at their offices under the Junior Statistical Assistant post. The BBS Statistical Assistant, Computer Typographer, Data Entry, Control Operator written examination result 2020.
BBS Junior Statistical Assistant Written Exam Result 2020
They have made the circular on the basis of the job vacancies. The aftereffects of the up-and-comers chose in the composed test for the post of Statistical Investigator, Police Statistician, Junior Statistics Assistant, Technical Operator, and Junior Operator, prescribed by BBS Divisional Selection Committee-1 has been distributed today on 28 January 2020.
On the off chance that you have sat for the composed assessment under the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, you can watch your BBS Written Exam Result 2020 from here. On the basis of the BBS circular, you have gotten the information that the authority will appoint a total of 2149 (two thousand one hundred and forty-nine) junior statistical assistants this year. You watch the Junior Porisonkhan Sohokari assistant written exam result from here.
BBS Thana Statistics Result 2020
The respective authority of the Bangladesh Statistics of Bureo has also published the written exam result for the BBS Thana Statistics or Porisonkhan post. The BBS has earlier mentioned in the job vacancies that they would take a sum of 109 (one hundred and nine) candidates for the Thana Statistics or Porisonkhan post. Therefore, they have made the name and the roll number of the candidates publish today. Watch it from here in the provided PDF file. Do not hesitate to click on the open file to open the PDF file.
Click here to watch BBS Written Exam Result PDF
BBS Statistical Investigator Result & Others
Try to make sure that you have open and download the PDF file for getting the BBS statistical assistant result or that of porisonkhan sohokari. As provided by the authority the information of the result publication would be available in tomorrow’s newspapers. However, you can check it the BBS result 2020 from our website today at present. As per the circular, a total of 356 (three hundred and fifty-six) people is going to be enrolled at the BBS under statistical investigator post. So, catch your BBS statistical investigator or porisonkhan todontokari result now.
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